Professor S.R. Hashim (b. 1941), during his long professional career spanning well over forty years, has held high positions in academics as well as in government—economic administration and diplomacy. He received higher education at University of Lucknow (1957–1961), University of Poona—Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics (1964–1970), University College of Wales, Aberystwyth (1972–1973). He held the positions of Professor and Head, Department of Economics, M.S. University of Baroda (1978–1986) and Director, Institute of Economic Growth, Delhi (1995–96). He served in the Planning Commission of India as Adviser, Principal Adviser, Member and Member-Secretary (1986–2000). He was Ambassador of India to Kazakhstan (2000–2002), Member and then Chairman, Union Public Service Commission, India (2002–2006).
Dr. Hashim’s original work on method of measuring capital stock, published in the book Capital-Output Relations in Indian Industries (M.S. University Press, Baroda, 1973) (in co-authourship with Dr. M.M. Dadi) is well regarded in literature as a seminal contribution. He has since extensively worked and written on issues relating to poverty and inequality, water and agriculture and small scale industries. He Chaired the Working Group on Wholesale Price Indices (1997–1999), and was Chairman of the National Commission on Integrated Water Resources Development Plan (1997–1999). He is also the President of India Water Partnership and is Vice-Chairman of Forum for Global Knowledge Sharing.