S. Galab

Prof. S. Galab
Visiting Professor
Poverty, Natural Resource Management, Handloom Sector, Solid Waste Management in Urban Areas, Agrarian Distress, Human Development, Water and Sanitation, Inclusive Studies.
M Phil and Ph d
- Brief Profile
Prof S Galab is a Development Economist with a doctorate in Economics and Post Graduation in Economics and Statistics. Currently, he is the Visiting Professor of Centre for Economic and Social Studies (CESS), Hyderabad and was leading the Young Lives, an International Longitudinal Project in Andhra Pradesh, on Childhood Poverty. He has carried out research in the broad fields of Rural Development and Agriculture on various aspects like Rehabilitation and Resettlement of Project Affected People, Natural Resource Management, Handloom and Power loom sector, Rural Indebtedness, Agrarian Distress and Farmers’ Suicides, MGNREGS, Dry Land Agriculture. He also worked on the Effectiveness of Public Policies related to Poverty Alleviation including Social Capital, Women Empowerment, Child Labour and Livelihoods. He has been Project Director for Andhra Pradesh District Poverty Initiatives Project (APDPIP) and Andhra Pradesh Rural Poverty Reduction Project (APRPRP). He has research publications in national and international journals.
Besides conducting research he also does teaching and supervising M Phil and Ph.D. students. He was a member in Welfare Commission on Farmers – a Commission appointed by the Government of Andhra Pradesh in response to the Agrarian Crisis in the State, Working Group on Poverty Elimination and also was associated with the Expert Group on Agricultural Indebtedness. He is one of the co-authors of the book ‘On Joint Forest Management in Andhra Pradesh’ and “Organizing Poor Women – The Andhra Pradesh Experience”. He is a member of the Commission on “Inclusive and Sustainable Agricultural Development of Andhra Pradesh” constituted by Government of Andhra Pradesh. He is also a member of the Advisory Board of Telangana Minority Commission of Enquiry.
- Research Interest
Poverty, Natural Resource Management, Handloom Sector, Solid Waste Management in Urban Areas, Agrarian Distress, Human Development, Water and Sanitation, Inclusive Studies.
- Books/ Edited Books:
Centre-State Relations in Indian Fiscal Context, in honour of Sri. B.P.R.Vithal. Editors – C H HanumanthaRao, R. Radhakrishna, S. Galab, N. Sreedevi, Academic Foundation, 2015
Galab.S, E. Revathi (2014), ‘Women and Land: Agriculture and Opportunity” (S. Galab and E. Revathi) in the Section IV: Routes of Subjugation and Emancipation: Identity and Assertion, Mobilization and Power, Knowledge and Production’, in Subalternity, Exclusion and Social Change in India Ashok K. Pankaj and Ajit K. Pandey (eds.), Foundation Books, Cambridge University Press, 2014
Galab.S, P. Prudhvikar Reddy (2015), ‘Patterns and Determinants of Transition in Stunting Among Younger Children in Andhra Pradesh: An Analysis Based on Longitudinal Data’, in The Indian Social Sector: Trends and IssuesR.K. Mishra and AnandAkundy (eds,) Academic Foundation, New Delhi in association with Institute of Public Enterprise (IPE), Hyderabad, pp. 190-207
Swacch India – Experience of Water and Sanitation Programmes in three Indian States of Madhya Pradesh, Odisha and Andhra Pradesh (with K.S. Babu and M. Gopinath Reddy et al.), Academic Foundation, New Delhi in association with CESS, Hyderabad, 2017.
- Journal Articles
Galab.S, Prudhvikar Reddy (2017) “Growth recovery and faltering through early adolescence: Determinants and implications for cognitive development” Social Science & Medicine, Volume 179, early online edition March 2017
Galab.S,M. Gopinath Reddy (2017) “Rehabilitation Strategies to Overcome Multiple Deprivations: Lessons Learnt from Singoor Project (with M. Gopinath Reddy), Journal of Social and Economic Studies, Vol. XXVII, No.1, 2017
Galab.S, Prudhvikar Reddy (2018) “Schooling and Learning Outcomes in Andhra Pradesh An Evidence from Young Lives: A Longitudinal Study”, IASSI Quarterly: Contributions to Indian Social Science” Vol. 37 No.1, January-March
- Research Projects
- Existing State Policies, Programmes, Interventions and Processes and their Impact on Women’s Access to Land, sponsored by Ministry of Agriculture, New Delhi, (2012)
- Review of Management Information System (MIS) for school education in Andhra Pradesh, (2012)
- Socio- economic Analysis of Farming Systems and Farmers Vulnerability Impacts in Three Watersheds of South India, (2009)
- Management of National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (NREGS) in Andhra Pradesh: Issues and Challenges, Lal Bahadur Shastri Institute of Management, New Delhi (2009)
- National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (NREGS) in Andhra Pradesh: Issues and Challenges, supported by National Commission for Enterprises in Unorganized Sector (NCEUS) (2009)
- Rural Indebtedness in Andhra Pradesh, supported by Finance Department, Government of Andhra Pradesh, (2007)
- Moving out of Poverty: Mini Qualitative Study on Farmers Suicides, sponsored by Poverty Reduction and Economic Management Group, World Bank, 2007
- Livelihood Assessment Report, Society for Elimination of Rural Poverty, Department of Rural Development, Government of Andhra Pradesh, 2006-07.
- Study on Social Development Outcomes of Rural Financial Institutions in Andhra Pradesh supported by Wisconsin University, 2007-08.
- Housing in Andhra Pradesh – An Assessment on the Role of Government, supported by Department of Planning, Government of Andhra Pradesh, 2007
- Working Papers/Monographs
Galab.S, Prudhvikar Reddy (2013), Food Prices and Child Nutrition in Andhra Pradesh, Working Paper No. 125, May
Galab.S, Prudhvikar Reddy(2013), Primary Schooling in Andhra Pradesh: Evidence from Young Lives School Based Component, CESS Monograph- 30, May
Galab.S, Prudhvikar Reddy (2014)Approach for Agricultural Development in Andhra Pradesh in the 12th five year Plan, CESS working Paper No.133 April 2014, authored by S. Galab and P. Prudhvikar Reddy
Galab.S, Prudhvikar Reddy, V.N. Reddy (2014)Classroom Process Teacher Ability and Student Performance: Evidence from School Based Component of Young Lives in Undivided Andhra Pradesh, CESS working Paper No. 134 June
- Visits Abroad
The following are the abroad visits in connection with the projects handled and seminars attended during October 1985 to June 2008
- Visited University of Oxford and Reading University, United Kingdom in connection with Young lives- An International study of Childhood Poverty,
- Visited Ethiopia (Addis Ababa University), Peru, Vietnam (Hanoi) and South Africa in connection with Young Lives – An International Study in Childhood Poverty, Oxford University, UK
- Visited University of Amsterdam (Netherlands), IIED (International Institute of Environment and Development, UK) and Moi University, Kenya in connection with Solid Waste Management Project in Andhra Pradesh.
- Visited Centre for Asian Studies (CASA) Amsterdam, Netherlands in connection with the Study on informal Mutual Credit Associations in Andhra Pradesh.
- Visited Colombo, Sri Lanka in connection with the seminar on Social Safety Nets organized by the World Bank