Prof K Srinivasulu

Research Areas:
Political Dynamics, Electoral Dynamics, Dynamics of Caste, Democracy and Cultural Politics
- Education
M.A., Political Science (1981), M Phil (1984) and
Ph D (1988) from Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi
- Previous Position
Formerly Dean, Social Sciences, Osmania University
Formerly Head, and Chairman, BoS, Department of Political Science
- Publications: Monographs, Journals / Book Chapters
- “Politics of Post-Bifurcation Trajectories: Telangana and AP States Compared”, in Carolyn Elliot (Ed), Andhra Pradesh: Economy, Society and Politics, Orient Blackswan (Forthcoming).
- ‘Region, Dominance and Contestation: Cultural Politics of the Telangana Movement’, in Lavanya Kolluri (Ed), (Forthcoming).
- ‘Nationalism and Dynamics of Federal Politics in Contemporary India’, Indian Journal of Public Administration 70 (1), 2024.
- ‘Re-imagining Social Justice Politics in India Today: Idea, Promise and Practice’, Mainstream, VOL 61 No 18, 19, April 29 & May 6, 2023 (Double issue)
- ‘Rabindranath Tagore, Rural Crisis and Recovering Community: Relevance of a Legacy for Liberalising India’, Mainstream, Vol. LX No 15, April 2 2022.
- ‘Who are We? A ‘Union of States’ or a ‘Nation’? Contested Terms of Discourse on Idea of India’, Mainstream, February 19-26 (Double number) 2022.
- ‘Telangana Rastra Samiti and Changing Political Dynamics in Telangana State’, Mainstream, Vol LX No 5, New Delhi, January 22, 2022
- ‘Remembering Anti-caste scholar-activist Gail Omvedt’, Mainstream, Vol LIX No 52, New Delhi, December 11, 2021.
- ‘Gandhi and our Troubled Times – Some Reflections on the Context, Challenges and Relevance’, Mainstream, Vol LIX No 15, New Delhi, March 27, 2021
- ‘Idea of University in Princely India: Reflections on the Century old Osmania University, Hyderabad’, in (Ed) Idea of University in India, Routledge, London, 2021.
- Rajaniti in Medieval South Indian Thought: ‘Reflecting on Discourses on Kingship in Telugu’, in H Roy (Ed), Indic Thought, Sage, Delhi, 2021.
- ‘Dr Ambedkar and Annihilation of Caste’, in S Simhadri and A Ramagoud (Eds), The Routledge Handbook of the Other Backward Classes in India: Thought, Movements and Development, Routledge, London, 2021.
- ‘Handloom Weavers’ in S Simhadri and A Ramagoud (Eds), The Routledge Handbook of the Other Backward Classes in India, Routledge, London, 2021.
- ‘Populist Regimes, Electoral Dynamics and Contrasting Outcomes: Telangana and Andhra Pradesh in 2019’ in Paul Wallace (Ed), 2019 Elections in India, Sage, Delhi, 2020.
- ‘Democracy, Electoral Behaviour and Communities as Vote Banks: A Perspective on Indian Electoral Process’ Zaheer Ali (Ed), Electoral Politics in India, Aakar, Delhi, 2020.
- ‘Political Society, Caste Dominance and Subaltern Society: Reflecting on the Modes of Engagement with the Dalit Subalternity’ in Ashok Pankaj and Ajit Pandey (Eds), Dalits, Subalternity and Social Change in India, Routledge, London, 2019.
- Co-editor of a Special Issue of REVIEW OF DEVELOPMENT AND CHANGE, the journal of Madras Institute of Developmental Studies (MIDS) on ‘Judicial Enquiry Commissions on SC-ST Atrocities in India’, 2018.
- ‘Analysing Judicial Commission Reports: The Study of Justice Punnaiah Commission Report’, Review of Development and Change (MIDS Journal), 2018.
- ‘Sardar Patel and State Building in India: Reflections on Civil Service as an Instrument of Integration’, Shakti Sinha and H Roy (Eds), Sardar Patel: An Appraisal, Nehru Memorial Museum and Library and Sage, Delhi, 2018.
- ‘Green Revolution Model and Agrarian Crisis: Towards a Perspectival Critique’, Indian Journal of Public Administration 64 (2), 2018.
- ‘Celebration and Introspection: Reflections on century old Osmania University’, Economic & Political Weekly, 52, Issue No. 51, 23 Dec, 2017.
- ‘Viswadhabhi Rama Vinura Vema: The Social and Political in Vemana’, in Himanshu Roy, et al (Eds), Indian Political Thought, Pearson, Delhi, 2017.
- ‘The Caste Question in the Naxalite Movement’, (Special Issue on ‘Naxalbari and After’) Economic & Political Weekly, 52, No. 21, 27 May, 2017.
- ‘India’s Democratic Prospect: Reflections on 2014 General Elections’, Journal of Polity and Society, Vol 8, No.12, 2016.
- ‘Region, Caste and Politics in Andhra Pradesh: Mapping the Paradigm Shift in the State Politics’ in MP Singh, et al (Eds), State Politics in India, Primus, 2016.
- ‘Discourses on Nationalism and Question of Secular state’, Zaheer Ali (ed), Secularism under Seige, Akaar, Delhi, 2016.
- ‘State Bifurcation and Electoral Outcomes: Contextual Change, Social Coalitions and Developmental Discourse’, Paul Wallace (ed), India’s 2014 Elections: A Modi-led BJP Sweep, Sage, Delhi, 2015.
- Agrarian Crisis and Farmers’ Suicides: Reflecting on the Green Revolution Model’, Centre for Multi Disciplinary Development Research (CMDR) Dharwad-580004 Karnataka State, India. June 2015
- ‘Dynamics of Caste in Contemporary India: Reflecting on the Challenges to the Caste Annihilation Project’, Ambedkar Memorial Lecture, Nagarjuna University, Guntur, 2015.
- ‘Land Acquisition and Popular Resistance: Politics of Special Economic Zones in Andhra Pradesh’, Rob Jenkins, Lorraine Kennedy, and Partha Mukhopadhyay (Eds), The Politics of Special Economic Zones in India, OUP, 2014.
- (Co-authored) ‘Politics of State-Business Relations in Andhra Pradesh’ in Kunal Sen (Ed), State-Business Relations and Economic Development in Africa and India, Routledge, London, 2014.
- ‘Handloom Weavers’ Struggles in the Context of Liberalization’, J George, et al (Eds), Working Class Movement in India in the Wake of Globalization, Manohar, 2012.
- ‘SC Reservation, Dalit Movement and Policy Questions’ in RK Barik(ed), Reviewing the Reservation Policy in Changing Social Order, Shipra Publications, 2012.
- Guest Editor, ‘SEZ Policy, Economics and Politics’, Broadsheet on Contemporary Politics, (Quarterly) Bilingual (English and Telugu, ) Volume 1, No 3 January 2012.
- ‘Discourses on Telangana and Critique of the Linguistic Nationality Principle’, in Sudha Pai and Asha Sarangi (Eds), Interrogating States Reorganization: Culture, Identity and Political Economy in Independent India, Routledge, Delhi, 2011.
- ‘Political Mobilization, Competitive Populism, and Changing Party Dynamics in Andhra Pradesh’ in Paul Wallace and Ramashray Roy (Eds), India’s 2009 Elections: Coalition Politics, Party Competition, and Congress Continuity, Sage, Delhi, 2011.
- Review of No Alphabet in Sight New Dalit Writing from South India Dossier 1: Tamil and Malayalam Edited and Introduced by K Satyanarayana and Susie Tharu Penguin, Delhi, 2011 in Economic & Political Weekly, Vol XLVI No 36, 30 September 3, 2011.