Prof. C. H. Hanumantha Rao Honorary Professor

Prof. C. H. Hanumantha Rao
Honorary Professor
Research Areas:
Agriculture, Food Security, Rural Development, Inclusive Growth
Prof. C.H.Hanumantha Rao Profile
Name : C.H.Hanumantha Rao
Date and place of birth : 15th May, 1929; Karimnagar (Andhra Pradesh), India.
Present Address : 240-B, Road No.18, Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad-500 033, India.
Telephone : 23608656
Positions Held at present:
– Founder-Member, Honorary Professor and Chairman, Center for Economic and Social Studies, Begumpet, Hyderabad.
– Professor and Chairman, Institute of Economic Growth, University of Delhi.
– Post-Doctoral Fellow,1966-67, Department of Economics, University of Chicago, U.S.A.
– Ph. D. (Economics),1962, University of Delhi, Delhi, India.
– M.A. (Economics), 1957, Osmania University, Hyderabad.
- Fellow, Institute of Economic Growth, University of Delhi, 1961-92.
- Director, Institute of Economic Growth, 1976-80.
- Visiting Fellow at the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Washington D.C., in August & October, 1994.
- Consultant, ESCAP, United Nations, Bangkok, in November 1995 & March, 1996.
- Awarded Rafi Ahmed Kidwai Memorial Prize for 1974-75, by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research, for Outstanding Contribution in the field of Agricultural Economics.
- Fellow, National Academy of Agricultural Sciences, New Delhi.
- Received Sri Kambhampati Satyanarayana (Senior) Memorial Award, Visalandhra Vignana Samiti, Vijayawada, in January 1988.
- Received the honorary degree of Doctor of Philosophy from the S.K.University, A.P. in 1991.
- Received Sri Ravi Narayan Reddy Memorial Award, Ravi Narayan Reddy National Foundation, Hyderabad, in September 1994.
- Received K.H. Batheja Award for the Best Book published in Economics during 1993-94 (Book: Agricultural Growth, Rural Poverty and Environmental Degradation in India, Oxford University Press, 1994).
- Received the Financial Express Award for Lifetime Work in Economics, in 1995.
- National Fellow, Indian Council of Social Science Research, 1994-1996.
- Received the honorary degree of Doctor of Philosophy from the Kakatiya University, A.P. in 1998.
- Received ‘Telugu Atma Gaurava Puraskaram’ from the Government of Andhra Pradesh in 2000.
- Conference President: Indian Society of Agricultural Economics, 1989; Indian Society of Labour Economics,1995; and Indian Society of Ecological Economics, 2001.
- Awarded ‘Padma Bhushan’ by the President of India in 2004.
– Nine books, six edited books and over 100 research papers and articles in journals and edited books in India and abroad.
Ph.D. Supervision:
Supervised, individually or jointly, the following six scholars for their PH.D. Theses submitted to the University of Delhi:
- Subbarao, formerly Professor, Institute of Economic Growth, Delhi; presently with the World Bank, Washington,D.C.;Subject of the thesis: Market Structure in Indan Agrculture; Completed in 1973.
- Rangaswamy, formerly Reader, Agricultural Economic Research Centre, University of Delhi; Subject of the thesis: Economics of Dry Farming in Selected Areas; Completed in 1980.
- Uma Kapila, formerly Reader, Department of Economics, Miranda House, University of Delhi; presently Senior Editor, Academic Foundation, New Delhi; Subject of the thesis: Stagnating Oilseeds Economy of India- A Case Study of Groundnut; Completed in 1980; (Joint Supervisor: R.Thamarajakshi).
- K.Bandopadhyay, presently Chief General Manager, NABARD; Subject of the thesis: An Analysis of Agricultural Credit with Special Reference to Small Farms in West Bengal; Completed in 1982.
- Kailas Sarap, presently Professor of Economics, Sambalpur University, Orissa; Subject of the thesis: Interlinked Agrarian Markets in Rural India; Completed in 1986; (Joint Supervisor: K.Subbarao).
- Palanivel, Formerly at the United Nations University, Tokyo; presently with the U.N.D.P., Asia-Pacific Regional Centre, Colombo; Subject of the the thesis:Inter-Sectoral Terms of Trade and Resource Flows: Some Implications for Agricultural Output, Income and Poverty in India; Completed in 1992;(Joint Supervisor: K.Subbarao).
Membership of Academic Institutions:
- Served as Member on the Governing Bodies of the Institute of Economic Growth, Delhi; Institute for Social and Economic Change(ISEC),Bangalore; Institute for Rural Management (IRMA),Anand; Centre for Economic and Social Studies(CESS), Hyderabad; and National Institute for Public Finance and Policy(NIPFP),New Delhi.
- Served on the Editorial Boards of the Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics, Asian Economic Review, Margin, and Artha Vignana.
- Served as Member of the Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR) and its Committees.
- Life Member: Institute for Social and Economic Change (ISEC), Bangalore.
- Founder Member: Centre for Economic and Social Studies (CESS), Hyderabad.
- Life Member: Indian Society of Agricultural Economics; Indian Econometric Society; Indian Economic Association; Indian Society of Labour Economics; and Indian Society of Ecological Economics.
Membership of Expert Bodies:
- Member, Central Board of Directors, Reserve Bank of India, 1994-2000.
- Chairman, High Powered Fertilizers Pricing Policy Review Committee, Government of India, 1997-98.
- Chairman, Expert Committee on Rehabilitation & Environmental Aspects of Tehri Hydro-Electric Project, Government of India, 1996-97.
- Member, Technical Advisory Committee (TAC), of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR), 1981-82 & 1995-97.
- Chairman, Advisory Committee, National Accounts Statistics, G.O.I., 1992-95.
- Chairman,Technical Committee on Drought Prone Area Programme and Desert Development Programme(DPAP&DDP),Ministry of Rural Development, G.O.I., 1993-94.
- Chairman, Working Group on Major & Medium Irrigation Projects for the Ninth Five Year Plan, Ministry of Water Resources, G.O.I.
- Chairman, National Commission on Rural Labour, G.O.I., 1990-91.
- Chairman, Expert Committee for Review of Methodology of Cost of Production of Crops, Ministry of Agriculture, G.O.I., 1990.
- Chairman, Advisory Council on the Implementation of the 20- Point Programme, G.O.I., 1987-89.
- Chairman, Task Force to Evaluate the Impact of Sheep & Goat Rearing in Ecologically Fragile Zone, Ministry of Agriculture, G.O.I.,1987.
- Chairman, Expert Group on Cropping Pattern, Ministry of Agriculture, G.O.I., 1987.
- Chairman, Study Group on Agricultural Price Policy for Balanced Development of Agriculture, Planning Commission, G.O.I., 1985-86.
- Member, Planning Commission, G.O.I., 1982-86.
- Member, Economic Advisory Council to the Prime Minister, 1983-85 (Chairman:Sukhamoy Chakravarty).
- Chairman, Working Group on District Planning, Planning Commission, G.O.I.,1984.
- Member, Eighth Finance Commission, G.O.I., 1982-84.
- Member, Economic Administration Reforms Commission, G.O.I., 1981-82 (Chairman: L.K.Jha).
- Member, Special Expert Committee on Cost of Production Estimates, Ministry of Agriculture, G.O.I., 1979-80 (Chairman: S.R.Sen).
- Member, ICSSR Working Group on Alternatives in Agricultural Development, 1978-79 (Chairman:Sukhamoy Chakravarty).
- Member, Committee to Examine the Procedures followed for the Imputation and Allocation of Costs under the Comprehensive Scheme for Studying the Cost of Cultivation of Principal Crops, Ministry of Agriculture,1977-79 (Chairman:Raj Krishna).
- Member, Seventh Finance Commission, G.O.I., 1977-78.
- Member, Board of Directors, Food Corporation of India (1973-74).
- Member, Board of Directors, Canara Bank (1970-73).
- Member, Expert Committee on Crop Insurance (1970), Government of India, (Chairman: Dharm Narain).