Dr Anjaneyulu

Dr. Parupally Anjaneyulu
Senior Research Associate
Social inclusion, water and sanitation, regional and social disparities, urban studies, and GIS.
Ph.D., Geography
- Brief Profile
Parupally Anjaneyulu is a Senior Research Associate at Division for Studies in Social Inclusion (DSS) of CESS. He joined as a Research Assistant in 2013. He received PhD in Geography from Osmania University in 2015. He started his career as a GIS Engineer in 2007 with Genesis International, Bangalore and later joined Infotech Enterprises (Cyient) in Hyderabad where he worked for more than six years on national and international projects related to infrastructure, economic and social development. His research tenure at CESS began as a Research Assistant in the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) project in 2013 and he moved on to become a Research Associate at Division for Child Studies (DCS) where he was involved in a range of assignments related to Water and Sanitation, Child Rights and Child Protection. As part of the team at Division for Studies in Social Inclusion he has been working on research studies related to marginalised communities, livelihoods, social inclusion, and migration. He worked on ten major projects at CESS on the various themes. Additionally, he is a specialist in developing Geo Maps for the Centre’s research activities. He has demonstrated professional skills and academic competencies in GIS applications, data management, field research, report writing and other research related activities. He has 15 publications in national journals in addition to being a co-author for several research reports published by CESS and UNICEF. He is a regular contributor to text books published by Telugu Academy and SCERT (Maps).
- Research Interest
- His main areas of interest include social inclusion, water and sanitation, regional and social disparities, urban studies, and GIS.
- Publications
- Anjaneyulu, P, Padmanabha Rao P (March-2024). Urbanisation and Urban Development in Telangana: Commutative service perspective. ACEAN Journal of Community Service and Education (AJCSE); 3(1) (2024) 27-42
- Anjaneyulu, P (2023): “Role of Pre-School Teachers in Early Childhood Care and Education – A Study of Anganwadis/ Anganwadi Schools located in Scheduled Caste Colonies of Telangana State” in Contemporary Voice of Dalit (SAGE Publication).
- Anjaneyulu, P et al (2021). Impact Assessment of Schemes Introduced for Drought Prone Districts of Telangana State, The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis, ISSN No- 0886- 9367. (UGC-CARE).
- Anjaneyulu, P (2021). Scope of the Micro, Small and Medium Scale Enterprises (MSMEs) in Telangana State, in Current Research Trends in Commerce and Management: A Survey (A: Commerce) Book, Edited by Dr K.L. Narasimha Murthy, Gyan Publishing House, ISBN: 978-81-212-5045-3;
- Anjaneyulu, P (2018): “Analysis of Sanitation and Health in South Asian Countries: A Special Reference to India” IASSI Quarterly: Contributions to Indian Social Science, Vol. 37, No. 2, 2018.Pages: 209-220 (UGC-CARE)
- Anjaneyulu, P (2016): “District wise situation of the child Labour (age 5-14) in Andhra Pradesh” International journal of research in commerce, it & management, ISSN: 2231-5756, http://ijrcm.org.in/ Volume No. 6 (2016), Issue No. 12 (December), Pages: 65-70.
- Anjaneyulu, P (2016):“Spatial Analysis of Irrigation Development in Telangana State: A special reference to Well Irrigation” published in Journal of Desh Vikas, ISSN 2394-1782, Vol No: 3, Issue No: 4, Pages: 113-126.
- Anjaneyulu, P (2016):“Child Sex ratio A Comparative analysis from Telangana State” in the Journal of the Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR), (http://www.onlinejournal.in), ISSN (Online): 2454-1362 Vol No 2, Issue No-5, Pages: 867-873.
- Anjaneyulu, P (2016): “Spatial Analysis of Constituency wise Drinking water and Sanitation conditions in Telangana state” in the Journal of GIS India, ISSN 0972-5776 (gisindia.in ) Vol No: 25, Issue No: 1, Pages: 4-8.
- Anjaneyulu, P (2015): “Irrigation Practices in Telangana with reference to Tank Irrigation” in the Journal of Pragamana International, ISSN 2393-896X, Issue No: 3.
- Monographs
- Monograph title : (2023) Status of Individual Latrines under Swachh Bharat Mission in Telangana State, Published by the CESS, No.56, Hyderabad, Telangana State
- CESS Report (2022): Socio-Economic Status of the Vaddera Community in Telangana State: Findings of an Empirical Study, Published by the CESS, No.52, Hyderabad, Telangana State (Jointly)
- Policy Briefs
- CESS Policy Brief (2020): ICDS to Scheduled Castes in Telangana State: Implementation of Services at Anganwadi Centres (Individual), CESS, NO.6, Hyderabad, Telangana State
- Books
- Telugu Academi Book (2022): Contributed three chaptersfor inclusion in “Regional Geography of Telangana State”, General Competitive Purposes, Telugu Academi, Telangana State (English & Telugu). ISBN No- 818180461-9
- Telugu Academi Book (2021): Contributed three chaptersfor inclusion in “Human & Economic Geography”, Intermediate Second Year, Telugu Academi, Telangana State (Telugu)ISBN No- 818180461-9
- Telugu Academi Book (2018): Contributed three chaptersfor inclusion in “Population Geography” Intermediate Second Year, Government of Andhra Pradesh
- Research Projects
- CESS Report (2022):Addressing Migration and Preparation of Development Plan for Adoni Division of Kurnool District, Andhra Pradesh (Joint author)
- CESS Report (2022):Socio-Economic Status of the Vaddera Community in Telangana State: Findings of an Empirical Study(Joint author).
- CESS Report (2021):Impact of Covid-19 on School Education with Special Focus on SC Students(Joint author)
- CESS Report (2020):Assessment of Socio-Economic Conditions of BC in Telangana State(Joint author)
- CESS Report (2019):Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) Scheme: Special reference to AWC’s on the SCs (Individual).
- CESS Report (2018):Socio Economic Status of Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups (PVTGs) in Telangana State(Joint author)
- CESS & UNICEF Report (2017):Baseline Study of Mission Bhagiratha Project of Telangana State, supported by UNICEF and Telangana Govt (Consolidated field data, Developed Maps, and Supported in report writing)
- CESS & UNICEF Report (2016):ICPS Rapid Assessment for Telangana and Andhra Pradesh States, supported by UNICEF (jointly- Data collection, Consolidated field data)
- CESS & UNICEF Report (2015):Constituency wise Drinking water and Sanitation conditions in Andhra Pradesh State– (Joint author)
- CESS & UNICEF Report (2015):Constituency wise Drinking water and Sanitation conditions in Telangana State- (Joint author)
- Conferences/Seminars
- Presented a paper on “Precariousness of Natural Resource-Based Livelihoods: A Study of the Vaddera Community of Telangana State” in 44th Indian Geography Congress, at Rani Channamma University, Belagavi, Karnataka on December – 19 to 21, 2022
- Presented a paper on “Effectiveness of Regional Ring Road (RRR) on the main locations or towns- A case of resources and opportunities” in the 21st Association of Punjab Geographers (APG) Meet and International E-Conference at Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra, Haryana, India on December 30-31, 2021
- Presented a paper on “Impact of Covid-19 on Teachers of Private Educational Institutions in Telangana State” in IGS – International E- Conference by Osmania University which was held between August 5th -7th, 2021
- Presented a paper on “Provincial wise population and its changes in Hyderabad State: A case study of Telangana (1891-1951)” in XVth DGSI International Geography online Conference, held in 26-28th November, 2020
- Presented a paper on “Government initiatives for Drought –Prone Districts in Telangana” presented in 41 National Association of Geographers, India (NAGI) Conference, at Dr.H. S Gour Vishwa Vidyalaya (Central University), Sagar, Madhya Pradesh (28th– 30th December, 2019)
- Presented a paper on “Tourism in Telangana State: a study of Hyderabad City” presented in XIV DGSI International Geography Conference (The Deccan Geographical Society, India), Jaipur University, Jaipur, Rajasthan (27th– 29th September, 2019)
- Presented a paper on “Study on Pre-school Education of Children in Telangana State- Role of Anganwadi Teachers” in 3rd Telangana Economic Association (TEA) Annual Conference, Organised by Institute of Public Enterprise (IPE), Osmania University, Hyderabad in collaboration with CESS, Hyderabad (9-10th February,2019)
- Presented a paper on “Urbanization and Urban Development in Telangana” presented in 19th IASSI Annual Conference, Organised by NIRD, Hyderabad in collaboration with CESS, Hyderabad (11-13th January,2019)
- Presented a paper on “Socio Economic Status of Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups (PVTGs) in Telangana State” in International Seminar on Inclusive Development: Issues and Challenges, at CESS, Hyderabad, Telangana State held in October 8, 2018
- Presented a paper on“Analysis of Sanitation and Health in South Asian Countries: A Special Reference to India” presented in 18th IASSI Annual Conference, Organised by Acharya Nagarjuna University, Guntur in collaboration with CESS, Hyderabad (3-5th December,2017)
- Other Information
- Participated in an Online training Programme “Integrating Disaster Management Plan with Gram Panchayat Development Plan” (9 -11th June, 2021) organized by NIDM, Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt. of India in collaboration with Mahatma Gandhi State Institute of Pub ADMN, Punjab
- Participated in an Online training Programme “Basics of Disaster Management and DRR in context of Covid-19 Pandemic” in collaboration with National Institute of Disaster Management (NIDM), Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India from 30th June to 2nd July, 2021
- Attended online Workshop on “Concepts of Smart Phone Open-Source GIS Apps for data collection and open Geospatial data” conducting by Telangana University, Nizamabad in collaboration with OSGeo India, held in 12 to 13th October,2020