P. Prudhvikar Reddy

P. Prudhvikar Reddy
M Phil and Ph d
- Brief Profile
A doctorate in Economics and has gained rich experience in field surveys both in quantitative and qualitative sphere of research including longitudinal studies.Before joining the Centre for Economic and Social Studies, he worked in Andhra Pradesh Agricultural University for about 24 years wherein hisexposure was on estimation of cost of cultivation of various crops, returns from agriculture, input use efficiency, poverty, and employment in agriculture. In CESS as a faculty member and in the capacity of Senior Researcher and Survey Coordinator in Young Lives, a longitudinalproject since its inception i.e., 2002,and as a team member and regional Coordinator in other panel studies related to rural development i.e., APDPIP and APRPRP. He extensively travelled within and abroad and gained rich experience in the areas of multi dimensions of poverty and in rural development. With the help of dedicated field staff, he managed to keep the attrition of households at low level which is very important in the longitudinal studies and ably handled the data management besides publishing research articles in agriculture, and poverty. He also assisted various NGOs in the areas of sanitation, education, health, and rural development.
His research publications have appeared in the Review of Development Economics: published by John Wiley and Sons Ltd.,Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics, Economic and Political Weekly, edited book published by Springer, Journal of Research (ANGRAU), Indian Journal of Labour Economics,IASSI journals, Conference volumes of TEA, ICFAI Journal of Agricultural Economics, CESS working papers, Monographs apart from edited books. His publications include Young Lives country reports, working papers published by Oxford Department of International Development, on childhood poverty and wellbeing, education, health and nutrition, youth and employment, and poverty.
He attendedseveral national and international workshops in India, and attended Young Lives International Workshopsheld in Brighton, Oxford, UK., Lima (Peru), Addis Ababa (Ethiopia), Hanoi (Vietnam) and has visited University of East Anglia, U K and East China University, Shanghai, National University of Singapore in connection with research work.
As a senior researcher in Young Lives, he is instrumental in disseminating the findings of the young lives i.e., round-2 (2008), round-3 (2011), round-4 (2014-15) to the senior bureaucrats at the state level and at the sample districts in the presence of district collectors. Schooling, Child marriages and adolescents’ health are some of the issues highlighted apart from others related to child wellbeing. He organized state level workshops on child marriages in Hyderabad and in Vijayawada in March 2017 with due support from NCPCR and SCPCR and the respective state governments. He also attended and participated similar workshops held in New Delhi and in Rajasthan.