M. Gopinath Reddy

M. Gopinath Reddy
Decentralised Governance, Rural Local Institutions and Natural Resource Management and Governance, Rural Development Administration and Politics, Local Government Finances.
M Phil and Ph d
- Brief Profile
- Gopinath Reddy was a Professor (Retd’) of Political Science and Public Policy and currently he is Research Consultant at the Centre for Economic and Social Studies (CESS) Hyderabad. He was Principal Coordinator for the recently concluded Research Unit for Livelihoods and Natural Resources (RULNR), supported Jamsetji Tata Trust (JSTT, Mumbai) and brought a number of Monographs/Working Papers under its banner. He has published articles relating to decentralized governance and development in International and National Journals such as Development and Change and Economic and Political Weekly (EPW). He also works on forest governance, livelihoods and natural resources. He has written four books: “Political Economy of Watershed Management: Policies, Institutions, Implementation & Livelihoods”, brought by the Rawat Publications, (co-author); and “A Study of Redistributive Politics and its Impact on PRIs: A Case of Assembly Constituency Development Programme (MLA LADS Scheme in Andhra Pradesh)”. His recent book (along with Dr. Suri Babu and Prof. S. Galab) is on “Swacch India: Experience of Water and Sanitation Programmes in Three Indian States of Madhya Pradesh, Odisha and Andhra Pradesh”, published by Academic Foundation (2017);New Delhi and“Displacement and Marginalisation in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana 1951-2010, (2019),(Co-authoring with Walter Fernandes, Nafisa Goga D’Souza, Palla Trinadha Rao). As a part of his work on Forest Governance, he has contributed chapters in the Book titled “Forests, People and Power: The Political Ecology of Reform in South Asia”, Edited by Dr. Oliver Springate Bangianski and Piers Blaikie of University of East Anglia, UK, brought out by EARTHSCAN publishers, UK. His recent paper on “Rural Local Governance”, is going to be published in the Forthcoming India Rural Development Report being brought by Ministry of Rural Development, Govt. of India.
- Research Interest
Tribal Development;DecentralizedGovernance; Rural Local Institutions and Natural Resource Management (Forest Governance and Watershed Development) and State Responses & Poverty Reduction Strategies; Rural Development Administration and Politics; Delivery Systems of Rural Development Programmes and Health Delivery; Participatory Development, and Displacement and Development of Projects.
- Publications
- Books/ Edited Books:
- Displacement and Marginalisation in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana1951- 2010, (2019) (Co-authoring with Walter Fernandes, Nafisa Goga D’Souza, Palla Trinadha Rao) North Eastern Social Research Centre, Guwahati, Laya Resource Centre, Vishakapatnam. (ISBN: 978-81-938785-3-8)
- Swacch India: Experience of Water and Sanitation Programmes in Three Indian States of Madhya Pradesh, Odisha and Andhra Pradesh, (2017) (Co-authoring withS. Babu, S. Galab, P. Usha), Academic Foundation, New Delhi. (ISBN: 9789332704206)
- Political Economy of Watershed Management in AP (2010), (Co-authoring with Prof. Ratna Reddy and Dr. John Soussan of Stockholm Institute of Environment, UK), Rawat Publications, Jaipur. (ISBN: 1-316-0264-8)
- A Study of Redistributive Politics and its impact on PRIs: A Case of Assembly Constituency Development Programme (MLA LADS Scheme in Andhra Pradesh)(2010), Andhra Pradesh Resource Centre – Centre for World Solidarity, Secunderabad.
- Research Projects
Ongoing Projects:
- “Traditional Self-Governing Institutions and their Interaction with Panchayats in Tribal Areas of India-A Study of Odisha and Telangana”, ICSSR Project sponsored by ICSSR, New Delhi.
Completed Projects:
- Major Research Project titled “Exploring Social and Political Exclusion and Inclusion of Marginalized Communities in the Grassroots Political Institutions: A Study of Two Decades of Decentralised RuralInstitutions in Three Indian States (Andhra Pradesh, Telangana and Odisha)”, submitted Report to the ICSSR, New Delhi, 2020.
- “Socio-economic and ecological issues of Bio Fuels Project in Madhya Pradesh”, (along with Dr. Suresh Reddy) Joint Project Meeting of US-India JCERDC for Development of Sustainable Advanced Lignocellulosic Biofuels Systems,at University of Florida, Gainesville,
- “Agriculture in Tribal Areas: A Study of Chhattisgarh State”, Study submitted to ICSSR, New Delhi, Report submitted, 2019.
- “Agriculture in Tribal Areas: A Study of Jharkhand State”, Study submitted to ICSSR, New Delhi, Report submitted, 2019.
- “Status of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in Atrocity Prone Areas of Telangana State”, Crime Investigation Department, Additional Director General of Police, Government of Telangana, Telangana State, 2019.
- “Rural Local Bodies (PRIs) Finances, Service Delivery and Strategies for Strengthening PRIs in Chhattisgarh State”, Chhattisgarh State Finance Commission (CGSFC), Chhattisgarh State, 2018.
- “Exploring Financial Position of the Rural Local Bodies (PRIs) in Telangana State”, Telangana State Finance Commission (TSFC), Government of Telangana, Telangana State, 2019.
- “Exploring Financial Position of the Local Bodies (PRIsand Municipal Bodies) in Andhra Pradesh”, Andhra Pradesh State Finance Commission (APSFC), Andhra Pradesh, 2020.
- Teaching
Engaged in teaching for two and half of decades to the students of Ph.D / M.Phil students on few sections of Research Methodology, socio-politico dimensions of Development and Paradigm of Political Science and Public Administration.