Vulnerability Levels of Sewerage Workers in Vijayawada Municipal Corporation, Economic & Political Weekly, Vol. 57, Issue No. 25, 18 June, 113 -120, 2022.
Participatory Management and Sustainable Use of Groundwater: A review of the Andhra Pradesh Farmer-Managed Groundwater Systems Project in India ((Jointly with V. Ratna Reddy), Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI). 21p, Groundwater Solutions Initiative for Policy and Practice (GRIPP), Case Profile Series, No. 5.2021.
Land Lease Market under Irrigated and Rainfed Conditions in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana, Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics, Volume 76, Number 2, April-June, 261-277, 2021.
Can Participatory Groundwater Management Enhance Drought Resilience? : The Case of the Andhra Pradesh Farmer-Managed Groundwater Systems Project, Water Knowledge Note, No. SKU W19069, World Bank Group, March 2020.
Enriching the Lives of the Marginalised Sections The Case of MGNREGS in the Composite AP, Journal of Development Policy and Practice, Vol. 5, Issue 2, 2020.
Irrigated Agriculture in Andhra Pradesh An Analysis with Special Reference to Rayalaseema Region, Emperor International Journal of Finance and Management Research, Vol. VI, Issue. 8, August, 2020.
Biofortification: A Promising Strategy for Fighting Hidden Hunger, Indian Economic Journal, Special Issue: Rural Development: Agriculture and Rural non-farm, December 2019.
Potential and Constraints of Zero Budgeted Natural Farming (ZBNF): A Study of Andhra Pradesh (co-authored with B. Guruva Reddy and V. Ratna Reddy), IndianJournal of Agricultural Economics, 74 (3): 321-332, July-September, 2019.
Asset Management by SC Fishermen in Andhra Pradesh: A Quick Assessment, IASSI Quarterly, Vol. 38, No. 3, July – September, 2019.
Institutional Arrangements to Enforce Minimum Support Prices: A Case of Paddy and Cotton in Andhra Pradesh, The Indian Economic Journal, Special Issue: Accelerating Agricultural Growth, Article No. 41, December, 307-309, 2018.
Tank Rehabilitation in India: Review of Experiences and Strategies (Jointly with V. Ratna Reddy), Agricultural Water Management (Elsevier B.V, Vol.209, 32-43, 2018.
· Status of School Education in the Pre-Telengana Andhra Pradesh: A Critical Analysis with Reference to Right to Education Act, IASSI Quarterly, Vol. 37 (2), 177-194, April-June 2018.
The Farm Loan Waiver: An Unavoidable Malady? Man & Development, Vol.41 (2), 1-8, June 2018.
Land-use Pattern and Sources of Irrigation in Tribal Areas of United Andhra Pradesh: A Sub Regional Analysis, The Indian Economic Journal (Special Issue, Theme-V), 479-493, 2017.
Relative Significance of Female Labour Force across Rural India in the Aftermath of MGNREGS, Man & Development, March, Volume 39, No.1, 53-62, 2017.
AP Land Licensed Cultivators Act in Retrospect and Prospect, Journal of Land and Rural Studies, January, Vol.5, Issue 1, 1-11, 2017.
Drought Impacts and Mitigation Measures: A Case of Andhra Pradesh, The Indian Economic Journal, Special Issue: The Economy of Andhra Pradesh, Theme-III, December, 165-192, 2016.
Regional Disparities in United Andhra Pradesh: A Case of Rayalaseema Region, The Indian Economic Journal, Special Issue: Income and Wealth Inequalities and their Relation with Social Class, December, 2015.
Rythu Bazars (Farmers’ Markets) — an Innovative Direct Marketing Model to Benefit Small and Marginal Farmers, Agricultural Situation in India, November, 2014.
Groundwater Governance: A Tale of Three Participatory Models in Andhra Pradesh, India (Jointly with Prof. V.Ratna Reddy), Water Alternatives, 7(2): 275-297, June, 2014.
Natural Resource Management through Watershed Development Programme Reflections from Andhra Pradesh, Biodiversity Watch, No. 2, July – December, 2013.
Property Rights, Collective Action and Poverty Reduction: A Review, Madhya Pradesh Journal of Social Sciences (MPJSS), Vol. 18, No. 2, December, 304-320, 2013..
Beneficiary Perceptions of Accion Fraterna’s Watershed Development Programmes with Reference to Women Empowerment, Madhya Pradesh Journal of Social Sciences (MPJSS), Vol.16, No.1, June, 45-64, 2011.
Beneficiary Perceptions of Accion Fraterna’s Watershed Development Programme Activities, Madhya Pradesh Journal of Social Sciences (MPJSS), Vol.14, No.1, June, 2009.
Drought in Anantapur District: An Overview, Asian Economic Review, Journal of the Indian Institute of Economics, Vol.50, No.2, December, 539-560, 2008.
Status of Women – Dimensions of Female Literacy in Andhra Pradesh: A Study in Gender Discrimination in Education, The ICFAI Journal of Public Administration, Vol.4, No1, December, 62-73, 2008.
· Growth Prospects of Commercial Crops in Andhra Pradesh: An Inter- Regional Analysis (Co-author), Asian Economic Review, Journal of the Indian Institute of Economics, Vol.48, No.2, August, 2006.
· Irrigation and Poverty among Farmers – A Study in Micro Perspective, The ICFAI Journal of Public Administration, Vol.II, No.4, October, 61-73, 2006.
· Watershed Development, Panchayats and Village-based Institutions: An Assessment of Institutional Capacity, The ICFAI Journal of Public Administration, Vol.II, No.3, July, 32-51, 2006.
Water Use Efficiency: A Study of System of Rice Intensification (SRI) Adoption in Andhra Pradesh (Jointly with V.Ratna Reddy and P.Prudhvikar Reddy), Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol.6, No.3, July – September, 2005.
Pest Management Practices of Cotton Growers in Guntur District: An Explorative Study, The ICFAI Journal of Agricultural Economics, October, 36-50, 2005.