
Kasturi Alivelu

Dr. Alivelu Kasturi

Alivelu Kasturi

Associate Professor, Dean, Division For Graduate Studies

Research Areas:
Industry and Manufacturing Sector, Service Sector (Railways), Water & Sanitation, Sustainable Development Goals, Financial Inclusion

Brief Profile

  •  Alivelu Kasturi is Associate Professor of Economics at the Centre for Economic and Social Studies (CESS) Hyderabad. She joined CESS as Assistant Professor in 2007.
  • She obtained Ph.D. (Development Studies with specialization in Economics) from Ambedkar Open University in collaboration with CESS, Hyderabad in 2007 and M.A. (Economics) from University of Hyderabad.
  • Currently she is Dean, Division for Graduate Studies at the CESS. She was Registrar, CESS for two tenures- January-June, 2014 and 2016-2019
  • Till now she has published one book, one edited volume, two articles in international journals (Journal of Transportation Research, Zagreb International Review of Business and Economics), 10 articles in National Journals, eight articles in edited volumes, one book, one discussion paper, one briefing paper, one monograph and eight working papers, 13 research projects, 32 paper presentations (national and international)
  • She participated in various international (Stockholm, The Hague, German Development Institute, Bonn, Germany, UNIDO, Vienna, Austria)/National Seminars and workshops and presented 20 papers.
  • She was at Bonn, Germany during June – December, 2014 and 2018 to participate in the “Managing Global Governance” programme hosted by Federal Ministry of Germany in collaboration with German Development Institute (GIZ and DIE). She also participated in the training programme on ‘International Futures’ at Berlin, Germany during August, 2014. She was at United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (Vienna) as International Expert in the unit of ISID during September to November, 2014.

Research Interest

  • Industry with particular interest on manufacturing sector and regional inequalities in the performance of industry sector, Services (Railways), Water and Sanitation, Sustainable Development Goals


Journal Articles
  1. The Estimation of Indian Railway Cost Function, Zagreb International Review of Economics & Business, May 2007
  2. Analysis of Productivity Trends on Indian Railways’ Journal of Transportation Research Forum, Vol. 47, No.1, 2008
  3. Technological Upgradation and Cost Function of Indian Railways, Journal of Quantitative Economics, Vol. 6, no. 1 &2, January and July, the Indian Econometrics Society, Mumbai, 2008
  4. Managing the Human Face of Indian Railways, Gitam Journal of Management, Vol 6 No. 1 pp 176-187 Jan-Mar, 2008
  5. Performance of Registered Manufacturing Sector in Andhra Pradesh – Role of Investment Climate, Review of Development and Economics, MIDS, June – December, 2011
  6. Firm Level Perceptions on State-Business Relations – A Case Study of Manufacturing Enterprises in Hyderabad, Journal of Social and Economic Development, Vol. 14, No. 1, 2012
  7. Industrial Development and Regional Disparities in Andhra Pradesh (Pre and Post Economic Reforms)’, The Journal of Industrial Statistics, Vol 3 , No 2 , September, CSO Publication, Kolkata, 2014
  8. Capital Intensity and labour productivity of select sectors of organized manufacturing sector in Telangana (Pre and Post Economic Reforms)’, The Indian Economic Journal, Special Issue – The Economy of Telangana, December, 2015
  9. Godavari Mahapushkaram -2015A Case Study of Passenger Movement on South Central Railway, Rail Transport Journal, July – December 2015, Vol. XXIV No. 2 
  10. Productivity, Employment and Wages in the Organised Manufacturing Sector (co-authored with Priyadarshi Joshi), The Journal of Institute of Public Enterprise, 43(1), 1-17, January-June, 2020
  11. Piped Water in Premises and not in Premises – Impact on Illness among Households: A Case of Telangana State in India*Empirical Economics Letters, 21 (Special Issue 4): (July 2022) ISSN 1681 8997
  12. Underemployment in India: Patterns and Determinants, Journal of Economic Policy & Research, Volume 17 No 1, October 2021-March 2022 (co-author)
  13. Financial Inclusion and Economic Growth in India: An Empirical Study, Madhya Pradesh Journal of Social Sciences, A biannually Journal of M. P. Institute of Social Science Research, Ujjain ISSN: 0973-855X, Vol 27 No 6, June 2022, (Co-author)
  14. Does Financial Inclusion Lead to Financial Stability? Evidence From South Asian Countries – A Case of SMEs, Journal of Applied Business and Economics Vo; 25(2) 2023, Co-author.
  15. Consumption Functions of India: Pre and Post Covid-19, Journal of Development Economics and Finance Vol. 4, No. 2,  pp. 451-463, Received: 23 September 2023 Revised: 26 October 2023 Accepted: 04 November 2023 Published: 01 December 2023, Academic Research Foundation, India, Indexed by OPENALEX, CROSSREF, ROAD
  16. ESG measures and financial performance of logistics companies, Letters in Spatial and Resource Sciences 17:5 https://doi.org/10.1007/s12076-023-00358-4, , Springer, Scopus, Received: 30 June 2023 / Accepted: 20 September 2023 (this is published online on 22 January 2024), co-author
  17. Kasturi, A. (2024). Unveiling the factors influencing financial inclusion in India: A comprehensive analysis. Cogent Economics and Finance, 12(1). https://doi.org/10.1080/23322039.2024.2381682

  1. Indian Zonal Railways – Productivity and Cost Analysis, ISBN 978-3-8454-7142-6, LAP Lambert Academic Publishing AG & Co. KG, Germany, 2011
Chapters in Edited Volumes 
  1. Trends in Productivity across the Indian Zonal Railways 1981-82 through 2002-03 In Mishra , Nandita Sethi (Ed.) “Rethinking India’s Growth Strategy – Services vs. Manufacturing, Concept Publishing Company, New Delhi, 2008
  2. Industrial Development in Andhra Pradesh: A Regional Perspective’ in S. Mahendra Dev, C. Ravi and M. Venkatanarayana (eds.) Human Development in Andhra Pradesh Experiences, Issues and Challenges, Hyderabad: Centre for Economic and Social Studies, 2009 (Co-author) 
  3. Edited Volume – Organising Poor Women – The Andhra Pradesh Experience, S. Mahendra Dev, S. Galab, G. Alivelu (eds.) Academic Foundation, New Delhi, 2012 
  4. Organisation, Poverty and Women: Andhra Pradesh in Global Perspective’ in S. Mahendra Dev Ravi Kanbur, S. Galab, G. Alivelu (eds) Organising Poor Women – The Andhra Pradesh Experience (co-author) (Chapter 1), Academic Foundation, New Delhi, 2012 
  5. State Business Relations and Performance of Manufacturing Sector in Andhra Pradesh in Kunal Sen (ed.) State Business Relations and Economic Development in Africa and India, December (co-author) (Chapter 12), Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group, London and New York, 2013 
  6. Indira Kranthi Patham and Poverty Reduction in Andhra Pradesh, in Global Perspective’ in S. Mahendra Dev, Ravi Kanbur, S. Galab, G. Alivelu (eds) Organising Poor Women – The Andhra Pradesh Experience, Academic Foundation, New Delhi (co-author) (Chapter 6) 
  7. DPIP Outcomes: Assets, Livelihoods and Security’ in S. Mahendra Dev, Ravi Kanbur, S. Galab, G. Alivelu (eds) Organising Poor Women – The Andhra Pradesh Experience, Academic Foundation, New Delhi (co-author) (Chapter 7), Academic Foundation, New Delhi 
  8. Cost of Provision and Managing WASH Services in Peri-Urban Areas’ in V.Ratna Reddy, Catarina Fonseca, Charles Batchelor (eds.) Sustainable Water and Sanitation Services – The Life-Cycle Cost Approach to Planning and Management, Earthscan from Routledge Publications, New York, 2013, (co-author) 
Working Papers 
  1. Costs and Service Levels of Water and Sanitation – A Study of Peri-Urban Locations in Andhra Pradesh, WP 119, Wash Cost, Working Paper No. 20, September 
  2. Urban Water Supply and Sanitation in Andhra Pradesh, WASHCost Working Paper No.16, CESS Working Paper No.110 
  3. Industrial Development in Andhra Pradesh Inter-Regional Disparities in Post-Reform Period? Working Paper No.128, July, 2013 
  4. Performance of Organised Manufacturing Sector in India and Andhra Pradesh, Inclusive and Sustainable Industrial Development Working Paper Series, UNIDO, WP06 
  5. Productivity growth in organised manufacturing sector in Telangana, WP No. 140

Research Projects

  1. Poverty and Self-Help Groups, 2007
  2. State Business Relations and Performance of Organised Manufacturing Sector in Andhra Pradesh and Orissa, University of Manchester, 2009
  3. Costs and Services of Water and Sanitation in Peri-urban areas of Andhra Pradesh, IRC, Netherlands through Melinda Gates Foundation, 2012
  4. Evaluation of Andhra Pradesh State Finances: Fourteenth Finance Commission Study, Fourteenth Finance Commission, Government of India, 2013
  5. Total Factor Productivity in Organised Manufacturing Sector in Andhra Pradesh and India, German Development Institute, Bonn, Germany, UNIDO, Vienna, Austria, 2014
  6. Nourishing wombs – Delivering an integrated package of maternal nutrition interventions in Telangana State and Andhra Pradesh, AMALTAS, UNICEF New Delhi, 2015
  7. Mission Bhagiratha, Baseline Survey-2017, Government of Telangana, 2017
  8. Evaluation of Andhra Pradesh State Finances: Fifteenth Finance Commission Study, Fifteenth Finance Commission, Government of India, 2018
  9. Historical Evolution of Industries in Hyderabad State, United Andhra Pradesh and Telangana State as part of the Telangana State Gazetteer, Government of Telangana, 2018
  10. Skill development initiatives in India, Telangana State Commission for Higher Education, 2020
  11. Mega Food Parks in Telangana, Government of Telangana, 2020
  12. Performance of SDG 1 and SDG 9 in Telangana, Telangana Vision on Sustainable Development Goals, Planning Department, Government of Telangana
  13. Science and Technology Innovations in Sustainable Development Goals, TSCost, Govt. of Telangana, 2022
  14. A Study of Health of Micro and Small Enterprises, CESS and TIHCL, 2023 

Conferences / Seminars

  1. Self-Help Groups – Impact on Poverty” presented at the International Conference on Andhra Pradesh Experience with Membership Based Organizations of the Poor (along with S. Mahendra Dev, S.Galab and C.Ravi), jointly organized by the Cornell University, USA and CESS, Hyderabad at CESS Auditorium, 4-6 June, 2007
  2. Technological Up gradation and Cost Function of Indian Railways 1981-82 through 2002-03” presented at the 44th Annual Conference of the Indian Econometric Society at University of Hyderabad during 3rd – 5th January 2008
  3. Trends in Productivity across the Indian Zonal Railways 1981-82 through 2002-03″ presented at the Development Convention 2008 held at Institute of Public Enterprises during 20-22 February 2008
  4. State Business Relations – Micro Case Studies – Overview of the Industrial Structure at the Workshop on State Business Relations in India held at Centre for Economic and Social Studies, Hyderabad in collaboration with DFID and University of Manchester during 27-30 January 2009 at the Workshop on State Business Relations in India held at Centre for Economic and Social Studies, Hyderabad in collaboration with DFID and University of Manchester during 27-
  5. State Business Relations and Performance of Manufacturing Sector in Andhra Pradesh – A Case Study at the International Conference on “Analysing the Economics and Politics of State Business Relations in Africa and India”, December 15-18, 2009 at Jaipur
  6. Salient Aspects of the Growth Story of Indian Railways 1981-82 through 2007-08” at the International Conference on India’s Services Sector – Whom Does it Serve hosted by the British Northern Universities India Forum (BNUIF 3rd Annual Conference), 24-26 March, 2010, Taj Deccan, Hyderabad
  7. Key Messages emerging out of the research analysis of WASH Cost, India” at the international annual meeting of Planning and Embedding Phase of WASH Cost Project held at the Hague, Netherlands during 7 – 15 November, 2010
  8. Delivered lecture on the topic titled “Women Empowerment and Poverty Alleviation – A Case of Andhra Pradesh to the Parliament Staff of Under Secretaries and Joint Secretaries at Dr. Marri Chenna Reddy Institute of Human Resource Development, Hyderabad on 17th March 2009Delivered a lecture as panellist on “Special Economic Zones in India” on 11th October, 2011 at ASNM Government College, Palakol
  9. State Society Relations – Development Outcomes in India “The Dialogue Meeting on Designing Politics for Development”, 5th-6th December 2011, Stockholm, Sweden 
  10. Gave a lecture as resource person on Special Economic Zones at the one day seminar in memory of Prof Mahbub-ul-Haq at EFLU University, Hyderabad on 22-2-2011
  11. Industrial Development and Regional Inequalities in Andhra Pradesh, organized by the Department of the Economics, Nizam College, 23 -24 March, 2013, 31st Annual Conference of AP Economic Association, Osmania University, Hyderabad
  12. Presented on large and small scale industries in during 20,21st December, 2013, 1 ½ day consultative workshop on Human Development Reports and monitarable measures at the state and district level, Mahabalipuram Tamil Nadu as per the orders of Special Chief Secretary, Planning Department, Government of AP
  13. An overview of Indian Economy, 3 July, 2014, Leadership Training – Managing Global Governance, German Development Institute (DIE), Bonn, Germany
  14. Industry Lobbying, 14 August, 2014, International Futures, Foreign Office of the Federal Republic of Germany, Berlin
  15. Costs and services of Water and Sanitation in peri-urban areas – one day Round Table Conference at the India Habitat Centre, New Delhi on March 13, 2013, Sustainable WASH Service Delivery – for everyone forever, International Water and Sanitation Centre, Netherlands, in association with All India Disaster Management Institute, Ahmedabad and Centre of Excellence for Change Management, Chennai
  16. Invited lecture on the topic “Estimation of Indian Railway Cost Function” on 5th Feb, 2014, Training programme on Costing and Pricing of Rail Transport Services for Multi-sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation, National Academy of Indian Railway, Vadodara
  17. Total Factor Productivity of Different Sectors of Registered Manufacturing Sector in The Three Regions of Andhra Pradesh and India, 17 November, 2014,  UNIDO, Vienna, Austria
  18. Delivered Lecture on the Growth and Performance of Industry 7 November, 2016, Group I and Group II aspirants Telangana State, Hyderabad Study Circle
  19. On Invitation, presented on “Socio-economic Impact of Mission Bhagiratha Preliminary findings from Baseline Survey along with Prof S. Galab, 2018, State Level Workshop Strategies for Effective Community Participation in Achieving Sustainable Water Quality and O & M in Mission Bhagiratha, Modern Architects for Rural India (MARI), Freshwater Action Network South Asia (FANSA) in collaboration with Rural Water Supply Department, Government of Telangana RWS&S Office, SRTGN Bhavan, Erramanzil Colony, Hyderabad
  20. Capital Intensity and Labour Productivity of select sectors of organized manufacturing sector in Telangana (Pre and post economic reforms)’, 27-29 December, 2016, Indian Economic Association Annual Conference, Prof Jayashankar Telangana State Agriculture University (PJTSAU), Hyderabad
  21. Productivity, Employment and Wages in Organised Manufacturing Sector – A Comparative Study of Telangana, Andhra Pradesh and India, 2017, 8th National Seminar on Industrial Statistics, CSO, Kolkata
  22. Productivity Growth in Organised Manufacturing Sector – Andhra Pradesh, Telangana and Few Select States in India, 2017, 100th Annual Conference of the Indian Economics Association (IEA), Special session on Andhra Pradesh Economy, Acharya Nagarjuna University, Guntur
  23. Invited Lecture (Keynote address) during One Day National Seminar on ”Make in India: Start Ups”‘ which was held on 28 February, 2017 at Rayalaseema University, Kurnool
  24. Presented (co-author)  on Productivity, employment and wages in organised manufacturing: a comparative study of Telangana, Andhra Pradesh and India, Eighth National Seminar on Industrial Statistics, 15 December, 2017, Kolkata
  25. Why clean water is important and how it can be made sustainable?, 13 – 18 November, 2018, Co-creative Workshop of the MGG Alumni, DIE, Bonn, Germany
  26. SDGs Toolkit , 24-26 April, 2019, International Conference Training and Dialogue for the Implementation of the 2030 Agenda DIE, Bonn, ASCI, Hyderabad
  27. Narrative to Global Governance, 28-29 April, 2019, International Conference on The Power of Cooperation: Shaping a Positive Narrative of Global Governance, The Clardiges, New Delhi
  28. Invited Lecture on Measures to improve water management for the future for
    Telangana, in the international seminar Collaborate and Conserve: Synergies for Water, organised by Telangana State Consortium on Water, 28 March, 2022
  29. Chairperson  of one of the technical sessions on New Education Policy, National Seminar organised by Babu Jagjivan Ram Government Degree College, 27 April, 2022
  30. Chaired the SDG 9 Sustainable Economy and infrastructure with special reference to the Indian context and its role in sustainable development, Round Table Conference,  on India Sustainability @75 on 22nd October 2022 at IMT Campus, Hyderabad, Organised by Centre for Sustainable Development, Bangalore
  31. Chaired the technical session of the National Seminar on Prospects of Service Sector in Telangana Economy  – Opportunities and Challenges, 11 November 2022, organised by City College, Telangana
  32. Presented (co-author) Does Financial Inclusion lead to financial stability Evidence from South Asian Countries, Case of SMEs, International workshop on the theme of “Credit Markets and Policies in South Asia: Issues and Challenges” from 7-9th December, 2022, organised The Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology Tirupati, in collaboration with INET-Young Scholars Initiative South Asia Working Group
  33. Presented paper on Consumption Functions of India: During, Before and After Covid-19 Pandemic, Keshab Bhattarai, University of Hull, Asha Prasuna, Somaiya Vidyavihar University, S.N.V. SivaKumar, Somaiya Vidyavihar University
    Alivelu Kasturi, Centre for Economic and Social Studies, American Economic Association Annual Meeting. Friday, Jan. 6, 2023 12:30 PM – 2:15 PM (CST)
    New Orleans Marriott, Preservation Hall Studio 7
    Hosted By: Association of Indian Economic and Financial Studies
  34. On invitation presented on Rural Economy and Union Budget 2023-24, To the Hon’ble Governor, Telangana State, Discussion on the Union Budget, 2023-24, 10 February 2023, Governor’s Secretariat, Raj Bhavan, Hyderabad
  35. Presented on Financial Performance and ESG Disclosures of Indian Logistics Companies, International Conference on Environmental, Social and Governance held on 27th and 28th June 2023, Ramaiah Institute of Management, Bangalore, co-author, Received Best Paper Award.
  36. Presented on Determinants of Financial Inclusion in India- An Analysis, IASSI Annual Conference, November, CESS, Hyderabad, co-author
  37. Holistic Education, Skill Development and NEP” on 16th February 2024, Two-day National Seminar on “Contemporary Issues in Commerce and Management”, 16-18 February, Telangana Social Welfare Degree Residential College, Nalgonda
  38. Empowering Women-Exploring the Historical Evolution and Economic Implication of Gender Equality, Department of Social Sciences and Centre for Women Studies, One Day National Seminar, Sponsored by TSCHE, St.Anns College for Women, Mehdipatnam
  39. Delivered lecture on Theoretical and Conceptual Framework, Writing Skills Workshop, 16 June 2023, CESS, Hyderabad


  • Microeconomics Classes on Consumption Behaviour and Markets (CESS in collaboration with Ambedkar Open University M.Phil/Ph.D Programme), 2012
  • Development Theory (Models of Development) (CESS in collaboration with Ambedkar Open University M.Phil/Ph.D Programme), 2012
  • Perspectives and Paradigms of Development, Full Time Ph.D Programme, CESS in collaboration with Telangana University, from 2020 onwards
  • Debate on Industry in India as part of the paper India’s Development Debate, Second Semester, Full Time Ph.D Programme, CESS in collaboration with Telangana University, July 2023 

Other Information

  • External Panelist for selection of the students to the PG Diploma in Management for 2013-15 Batch, KJ Somaiya Institute of Management Studies & Research, 7th April, 2013
  • MGG in High Heels’- Short film made during Third leadership module Training, as part of the Managing Global Governance (MGG) Programme was awarded Second Prize by the German Development Institute, Bonn, Germany, 2014
  • Invited as a Judge to evaluate Jignasa (Student Study Project) in Economics, 4 February, 2019, AV&Degree PG College, Hyderabad
  • Adjudicator for Ph.D thesis (Thesis evaluation and conducting viva-voce, Mumbai University, 10 April
  • External Expert – CAS selection process in the Department of Economics, KJ Somaiya Institute of Management, Mumbai, held on 05.09.2023
  • External Expert and Adjudicator, Ph.D. thesis titled Constraints to Firm Transition in the Indian Manufacturing Sector, 14 December 2023, Sikkim University, Gangtok
  • Organised and coordinated SPSS/STATA Workshop, May 2023, CESS, Hyderabad
  • Organised and coordinated Writing Skills Workshop, June 2023, CESS, Hyderabad