
E. Revathi

E. Revathi

Professor And Director

Research Areas:
Agriculture- Structural Issues, Gender, and Agriculture with attention to land, labour market; Development Economics

Brief Profile

Revathi Ellanki is a Development Economist. She attained her M Phil and PhD degrees from Kakatiya University, Warangal. She was an ICSSR doctoral fellow in ‘Women’s Studies’ during 1988-91 and worked on ‘Women, work and technology in agriculture’ for her PhD. She worked as a College lecturer for a brief period in Hyderabad and later joined as faculty in the department of Economics, Kakatiya University in 1992 and continued till 2004. She was a Visiting Fellow at CESS during 2004-09 and joined at the Centre as full time Professor in 2012. She was also Senior Fellow, ICSSR during 2010-12, for which she worked on ‘Land access to women and women empowerment’

She was a member in the curriculum development group for Economics constituted by the Telangana State Public Service Commission in 2015. She was an active member of Telangana Intellectual Forum which contributed to the cause of Telangana State. She Coordinated Working Group constituted by Telangana Development Forum for submission of report on Deprivation to Telangana: Case for Separate Statehood to Justice Sri Krishna Committee in April 2010. She contributed to Group of Ministers appointed by Govt. of India on Bifurcation of the State of AP on Special needs of the Backward Districts of Telangana (2013).

Research Interest

My broad areas of research are Agriculture economics with attention to commodity studies, Development economics and Gender studies with attention to land, labour, tenancy, work participation and empowerment. I worked on the issues of agrarian crisis, rural indebtedness, farmers and weavers’ suicides, and farmers’ collective institutions and rural labour markets. I also work in the areas of regional disparities and small states; human development, water and sanitation.


Books/ Edited Books

  1. Aadhar, Gender Identity and Development (Coauthor) Academic Foundation, New Delhi, September 2014
  2. Telangana Economy ( Coeditor) Telugu Akademy, Govt. of Telangana 2016
  3. Land Rights and Land Access to Women in Andhra Pradesh in Understanding Women’s Land Rights: Gender Discrimination in Land Ownership, Land Reforms in India- Vol 13(ed) Prem Chowdhry, Sage Publications, New Delhi, 2017 pp 25-58
  4. Where are the women in India’s growth? Teacher Plus, Economics Special, Azim Premji University, May-June 2016
  5. Women’s Labour Force Participation in Telangana: Trends and Determinants Indian Economic Association Annual Journal Special Issue on Telangana Economy and Development December 2015
  6. Women and Land: Agriculture and Opportunity (coauthor) in Subalternity, Exclusion and Social Change in Indian Society Ed Ashok Pankaj and Ajit Pandey, Cambridge University Press, 2014.

Research Projects

  • Mission Bhagiratha: Baseline Survey (Jointly) sponsored by UNICEF, RWSS and CESS 2018
  • Soybean Varieties and Package of Practices (Jointly) sponsored by ICAR, November 2015 and Revisit Revised Report August 2018
  • Changing Perspectives of Women’s Work and Decline in Female Labour Force Participation Rate in Rural India: Study in Andhra Pradesh- Sponsored by SR Sankaran Chair, NIRDPR, November 2016

Conferences / Seminars

  1. Panel speaker in Special Session on Food systems transitions underpinning rural-urban and nutrition linkages, Agricultural Economics Research Association 27th Annual Conference, 17-19 December 2019
  2. Inaugural Address, national Seminar on Minor Irrigation: Issues and Challenges, Satavahana University and Centre for Economic and Social Studies, 30-31 December 2019


I teach Development Theory- World economy, Perspectives in development, dual gap-convergence and Paradigms in Economics for the PhD students.