Livelihoods, Dryland Agriculture, Sustainable Soil Health management, Millet based farming systems, Organic farming, Traditional Knowledge Systems and marginalised/vulnerable communities.
PhD in Development studies (Sociology)
Dr.B.Suresh Reddy has been working as Professor (since 2018) at the Centre for Economic and Social Studies (CESS), Hyderabad. Born in erstwhile Medak district, Telangana state on 29th Feb 1968. Educated at Andhra Pradesh Agricultural University, Rajendranagar- B.Sc(Ag),1991 and M.Sc(Ag),1993 in Extension Education and PhD in Development studies (Sociology) at the Centre for Economic and Social Sciences (CESS), Hyderabad and submitted the dissertation work on research topic “Soil Fertility Management in Semi-arid India: The socio-cultural, economic and livelihood dimensions of farmers’ practices-A case of Andhra Pradesh”. Qualified UGC-NET (Lectureship) in 1995.
He has an experience of more than 30 years and served in various capacities as Technical Field Organizer in Agricultural Finance Corporation Ltd., Hyderabad, (1993) Agricultural Extension Scientist (in ICAR-Krishi Vigyan Kendra at Medak district) during 1994 to 2002, Freelance Researcher/Consultant (with several international agencies such as ODI, University of Greenwich-U.K, University of Southampton-U.K, International Institute of Environment and Development-UK and Humboldt University, Berlin) during the period 2002-2008 and as an Academic Researcher at CESS since June 2008 till date.
His major research interests include: Livelihoods, Dryland Agriculture, Sustainable Soil Health, Millet based Agro-biodiversity, Sustainable agriculture/Organic farming, Traditional Knowledge Systems in agriculture, Participatory research methods and marginalised communities.
During last five years, he was associated with eight completed research studies in different capacities as Principal investigator/Coordinator/Co-coordinator. These include
Earlier at CESS during the period 2008 to 2018, was part of several important research studies which include (i) ICSSR funded study on “Agriculture in Tribal Areas-A study of Seven states”- during 2013-15 (Coordinator for Madhya pradesh). (ii) Co-coordinator for ICAR commissioned study on “Soyabean Varieties and Package of practices” during 2016-18 (iii) Principal investigator for Dorabji Tata trust funded “Soil Fertility Management in Semi-Arid India: The Livelihood, Socio-Cultural, Economic and Ecological dimensions of Farmers’ practice”(independently) during 2013-14, (iv) Principal investigator for Dorabji Tata trust funded “Non-Pesticidal Management-An Empirical Analysis” during 2012-13 (v) Coordinator for NRI,UK funded study on “Evaluation of the early impacts of the Better Cotton Initiative on Small holder Cotton producers in Kurnool district of Andhra pradesh” Baseline, Midline and Endline Study during 2013-18 and (vi) lead researcher in Indo-US JCERDC project for Development of Sustainable Advanced Lignocellulosic Biofuels Systems (Socioeconomic analysis in M.P), Baseline and Endline Studies during 2013-18, (vii) Principal investigator “Assessment of Economic and Ecological Returns from Millet-based Bio-diverse Organic Farms vis-à-vis Conventional Farms” during 2008-10.
Teaching the Research Methodology course to PhD students at CESS PhD programme and guiding the research of six PhD Scholars (as Guide/ Co-guide) at CESS.
He has to his credit 3 Books, 7 Monographs, 9 Working papers, 6 Book chapters, 20 Journal articles and 2 Policy briefs. Also developed literature for neo-literate farmers (in telugu vernacular) on issues of Soil fertility management.
He is the Steering Committee member of Millet Network of India [MINI] from 2014-2024 and was Local Organising Secretary for the 22nd annual conference of Indian Association of Social Sciences Institutes’ (IASSI) held at CESS during Nov 2023.