- Rural Labour Market and Women Empowerment: Evidence from MGNREGA in Pre-Telangana Andhra Pradesh, Telangana Economic Association, March, 73-97, 2021.
- Marketing of Pulses in Pre-Telangana Andhra Pradesh: Opportunities and Constraints, Sustainable Agriculture in India (ed.T. Sudarsana Reddy and K.Saketh Reddy), Winger Publications, New Delhi and Hyderabad, 1-12, 2020.
- Mitigating Climate/Drought Risks: Role of Groundwater Collectivization in Arid/Semi-Arid Conditions, Climate-Drought Resilience in Extreme Environments, Springer, Cham, 127-148, 2020 (Jointly).
- Sustainable Livelihoods and Resilience: Watershed Development and Beyond, Climate-Drought Resilience in Extreme Environments, Springer, Cham, 67-126, 2020 (Jointly).
- Socio-ecological Profile of the Sample Watersheds, Climate-Drought Resilience in Extreme Environments, Climate-Drought Resilience in Extreme Environments, Springer, Cham, 19-35, 2020 (Jointly).
- Making of Climate Smart Communities: Experiences and Lessons, Climate-Drought Resilience in Extreme Environments, Springer, Cham, 149-159, 2020 (Jointly).
- Implementation Process: Quality, Equity, and Sustenance, Climate-Drought Resilience in Extreme Environments, Springer, Cham, 37-66, 2020 (Jointly).
- Education and Employment: Issues and Challenges in India, Higher Education in India: Issues & Challenges (ed. T. Sudarsana Reddy), Paramount Publishing House, 147-155, New Delhi & Hyderabad, 2019.
- Status and Trends in Groundwater Depletion in United Andhra Pradesh (Chapter V), Water Governance in India: Issues and Concerns (ed. S. S. Kalamkar and Mrutyunjay Swain, Allied Publishers, Allied Publishers, 81-107, New Delhi, 2018.
- Water and Sustainable Livelihoods: Need for an Integrated Watershed Management, in K. Srinivasa Raju and A. Vasan (ed.), “Sustainable Holistic Water Resources Management in a Changing Climate”M/s Jain Brothers, New Delhi, 2017 (Jointly).
- Assessing Impacts of Conservation Practices: Reflections from the WSDP in Andhra Pradesh, Chapter 34, 339-353, in Raizada et.al, (ed.), Managing Natural Resources in the Dry lands: Constraints & Opportunities, Satish Serial Publishing House, New Delhi, 2015.
- Assessing Livelihood Impacts of Watersheds at Scale: An Integrated Approach, in V. Ratna Reddy and Geoffrey J. Syme (ed.), Integrated Assessment of Scale Impacts of Watershed Intervention: Assessing Hydrogeological and Bio-physical Influences on Livelihoods, Elsevier Publications, 2015 (Jointly).
- Problems of Private Schools in Andhra Pradesh and Redressal: A Critical Analysis and Policy Options, in M. Sarumathy and Gyanmudra (ed.), Right to Education: Challenges and Strategies, National Institute of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj (NIRD & PR), November, 2014.
- Institutionalizing Groundwater Management: A Tale of Three Participatory Models in Andhra Pradesh, Land and Water Geographic Challenges and Geospatial Technologies (ed. A.Krishnakumari, Y.V. Ramanaiah, S.Subbiah and K. Neeraja), A Post-Conference Volume, Department of Geography, Sri Krishnadevaraya University, Anantapuramu, Andhra Pradesh, 2013.
- Indiramma Housing Programme: Experience from Andhra Pradesh, Rural Glory: YS Rajasekhara Reddy’s Vision and Policies for and Contribution to Rural Development in Andhra Pradesh, (ed.V.Reddappa Reddy, K.Govindappa and K.Harimohan Reddy), Diksuchi Publications, Anantapur, April, 2012.
- Status and Trends in Groundwater Depletion in Andhra Pradesh, Irrigation Development Policy and Agriculture in India since Independence (ed.P.Chiranjeevulu and M.Chandraiah), Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Ltd, 2012.
- The Teachers under Public Sector: Are they allowed to work for 220 days? in Ideas and Issues in Education (ed. P. ArjunRao), N. Mani Publications, Hyderabad, 2009.
- Decentralized Governance and Human Resource Development Democratic Vis-a’-vis Participatory Institutions in Andhra Pradesh in S. Mahendra Dev, C.Ravi and M.Venkatanarayana (Eds), Human Development in Andhra Pradesh: Experiences, Issues and Challenges, Centre for Economic and Social Studies, Hyderabad, 2009 (Jointly).
- Changes in the Productivity of Groundnut and Sugarcane during pre and post Green Revolution Period in A.P, in V.Narayana Reddy, D.Sunder Raj and M.Romesh Singh (Eds), Development Initiatives in India, Serials Publications, New Delhi, 2008.
- Decentralization and Governance in Forest Management: An Assessment of Community Forest Management in Andhra Pradesh in Joint Forest Management in India, (eds.) Bhattacharya, et al, IIFM, Bhopal and Aavishakar Publishers, Jaipur, 2008 (Jointly).
- Watershed Development, Panchayats and Village-based Institutions: An Assessment of Institutional Capacity, in Sudha Menon and Pheba Anandan Pillai (Eds), Watershed Management: Concepts and Experiences, ICFAI University Press (IUP), 2008.
- Fission or Fusion: An Assessment of Decentralisation of Forest Management in Andhra Pradesh. Pages 73-91 in Sustainable Development and Indian Economy: Issues and challenges (Sailabala Debi and Annigiri VB, Eds.). Serial Publications, New Delhi, 2006 (Jointly).
- Participatory Forest Management in Andhra Pradesh: Implementation, Outcomes and livelihood Impacts (co-author), in Forest, People and Power: The political Ecology of reform in South Asia, edited by Oliver Springate & Piers Blakie, Earthscan, UK, 2007 (Jointly).