The first “B.P.R.Vithal Memorial Lecture” by Dr.C.Rangarajan, Chairman, Madras School of Economics, Chennai on “India’s Recent Growth Experience” was held on Wednesday, 16 March, 2022 at 11.00 AM at BPR Vithal Auditorium, CESS, Hyderabad.

CESS-Invitation Card for 1 BPRV-ML Download
Financial Access and Cost of Borrowings from Micro Financial Institutions: A Case Study of Nizamabad District in Telangana

17th July 2020 | 3:00 PM
Educational Status of the Muslim Minority in Telangana’

28 November, 2019 | 11.30 am | Seminar Hall, CESS Main Building
Trajectories of Liberalism: A Study of John Rawls and Robert Nozick

27 November, 2019 | 3.30pm | Seminar Hall, CESS Main Building
Amaravati capital city – Why did World Bank and Singapore’s withdrew?

22nd November, 2019 | 11:30 am | Seminar Hall I (1st Floor)