Intersecting Paths of Sustainable Development, Urbanization, and Women’s Empowerment

Editors: E. Revathi, Ishwar Chandra Awasthi, B. Suresh Reddy, and Aditi Madan
Economic Theory: Crossing the Barriers

Author: Venkateswarlu, Akina
Political Economy of Controversies Over the Origin of COVID-19 and Its Impact on the World and India

Author: Venkateswarlu, Akina
Political Economy of Agricultural Development in India. Routledge Publications

Author: Venkateswarlu, Akina
Political Economy of Agricultural Development in India: Policies, Achievements and Concerns

Author: Venkateswarlu, Akina
Economics and Technology of Soybean Cultivation in Central India

Author: E Revathi and Suresh Reddy
Issues and Challenges of Inclusive Development

Editors : R. Maria Saleth , S. Galab, and E. Revathi
Essays on the Econometrics of Inflation, Consumption and Welfare

Author : R. Radhakrishna
Essays on the Econometrics of Consumer Behaviour

Author : R. Radhakrishna
Essays on Growth, Poverty and Wellbeing

Author : R. Radhakrishna