
Dr. Srinivasa Reddy is a faculty member at the Centre for Economic and Social Studies (CESS), Hyderabad.  Subsequent to the award of Ph. D., for his work on Rural Development in the year 2000, Dr. Reddy has been engaged in teaching and research in the fields of participatory research and development, natural resource management – including watershed development/management programme forest management programme (JFM/CFM), groundwater management and water user efficiency methods/practices.  His research interests also include rural and inclusive development, regional disparities, agricultural marketing, land lease markets etc.  He has also been associated with several research projects sponsored by both national and international agencies at CESS.

Over the years, Dr. Reddy has published 33 research articles (both individually and in association with others), in refereed journals that include Journals of  Agricultural Water Management, Water Alternatives, GRIPP Case Profile Series (in IWMI), Economic and Political Weekly, Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics, Journal of Land and Rural Studies, Man and Development, IASSI  Quarterly, The Indian Economic Journal etc., .  Additionally, 25 of his articles have been included in edited books brought out by publishers of repute. 

He has written three books: 1. Climate-Drought Resilience in Extreme Environments (jointly), Springer Nature Switzerland AG, 2020; 2. Groundwater Governance, Development, Degradation and Management, Rawat Publications, 2016; and 3. A Study of Redistributive Politics and its impact on PRIs: A Case of Assembly Constituency Development Programme (MLA LADS Scheme), Centre for World Solidarity, 2010. He has also published 7 Monographs, 3 Working Papers, and 4 Policy Briefs. 

Recently his article on the land lease market in agriculture has been selected for the coveted Dr. D. K. Desai prize instituted by the Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics (IJAE) under the auspices of the Indian Society of Agricultural Economics (ISAE).

Research Interest

Major interest is in rural and inclusive, participatory natural resource management including groundwater management and water use efficiency, agriculture, regional disparities, agricultural marketing, land lease markets etc.,