Dr. Arifa Sultana

Dr. Arifa Sultana
Farmer Producer Companies, FPOs, Sustainability, Cooperatives, Marketing, Rural Development, Food and Nutrition Security
Ph.D. in Development Studies with Specialisation in Commerce
- Brief Profile
Dr. Arifa Sultana is a Consultant at the Centre for Economic and Social Studies, Hyderabad. Her research areas are the sustainability of farmers’ producer organizations, agriculture marketing, community development, e-marketing, food systems and nutrition, and rural development. Earlier, she worked as Dean and Principal at Madina Degree and PG College for Women, Hyderabad. She has 25 years of teaching and research experience. She was the principal investigator for research projects on NABARD-sponsored farmers’ producer companies in Telangana State. She also completed a project sponsored by SFAC, Delhi, on the performance of FPOs under the ten thousand FPOs Central Sector Scheme. She is the resource person and trainer at the National Institute of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj (NIRDPR), the National Rural Livelihood Mission (NRLM), and the IDEA Programme at ICAR, Agriculture University. She has been training the officials of the NRLM and the CEOs of farmer’s producer companies in India. She was also a resource person for the University Grants Commission (UGC) in the Women and Governance Module for the UGC Capacity Building Programme for Women in Higher Education Workshops. She was a resource person in financial management in the Higher Education Module for UGC Management Skills Enhancement Modules Workshops at Lady Doak College, Madurai, and at the University of Kashmir, Srinagar.
- Research Interest
My research interest is in the sustainability of farmers’ producer organizations, agriculture marketing, community development, e-marketing, food systems and nutrition, and rural development. I have worked on various topics of farmers, producer companies, E-NAM, the turmeric market, and malnutrition.
- Publications
- Books/ Edited Books:
Monograph ‘Impact Evaluation of Farmers Producer Companies in Telangana State promoted by NABARD’ jointly with Prof. E Revathi (Mimeo)
- Publications
- Arifa Sultana, Lalit Prasad and E Revathi (2023), Sustainability of Farmers Producer Companies – A Literature Review, Journal – Innovations, September 2023. PP 1510-1524, Innovations (journal-innovations.com) ISSN number 12674982, (2023), Paper number 16993
- Arifa Sultana (2023) Trends and Patterns of Malnutrition across states in India., International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology, Vol. 8, Issue 6, pp. 1236-1256
- Arifa Sultana (2021) Contract Farming in India: Does the New Farm Act addresses all the problems of the past? International Journal of Research and Analytical Review, 8, Issues 4, ISSN-2349-5138
- Revathi E and Arifa Sultana (2020): “Farmers’ Producer Companies in Telangana State”, Policy brief No. 7, published by Centre for Economic and Social Studies. https://cess.ac.in/publications/policy-briefs/
- Sangeetha G and Arifa Sultana (2020): “Housing Finance in Telangana – A Case of 2BHK”, Conference volume, Telangana Economic Association, ISBN, 978-81-94069-1-3
- Revathi E and Arifa Sultana (2019): “Agriculture, Food Systems and Nutrition in Tribal Areas in India”, Agriculture Economics Research Review, Volume: 32, ISSN: 0971-3441, https://www.indianjournals.com/ aspx?target=ijor:aerr&volum e=32&issue=conf&article=abs152
- Arifa Sultana (2019): “New Institutional Economics and its application in Agriculture with special reference to Farmers’ Produce Companies”, 3rd Annual Conference, Telangana Economic Association, ISBN: 978-81-940369-0-6
- Arifa Sultana(2018): “Chetna Organic Agriculture Producer Company Limited – A case study” , National Seminar on ‘Ease of doing business’, ISBN: 978-93-85101-12-0
- Arifa Sultana and E Revathi (2017): “The Golden Spice of Life ‘Turmeric’ in Telangana State – E-Marketing and Challenges Ahead”, Telangana Economic Association, First Annual Conference, AS 50-71
- Arifa Sultana(2017): “Farmer Producer Companies in Telangana State – A case of Karimnagar Milk Producer Company Limited”, Indian Journal of Agriculture Marketing, Vol. 31, No. 3, ISSN: 0971-8664
- Arifa Sultana (2017): “E-Business in Agriculture in India through National Agriculture Market” International Conference on ‘Liberalization, Privatization: Impact on Indian Systems – An assessment’ , North Maharashtra University in association with SSVP Bhausaheb N S Patil Arts and MFMA Commerce College, Dhule, Maharashtra, ISSN: 2277-5730
- Arifa Sultana (2017): “Impact of GST on Agriculture in India” Ajanta Quarterly Vol. VI, Issue IV, ISSN: 2277-5730
- Arifa Sultana (2016): “The first women who break the glass-ceiling in Farmer Producer Companies in India”, National Conference on ‘Indian Women: Present, Past and Future – An interdisciplinary approach’ organized by Sitabai Arts College, Akola, Maharashtra, ISBN: 978-93-83587
- Arifa Sultana (2016): “Successful Farmer Producer Companies in India – What Telangana state can learn from them?” National Seminar on ‘Financing and Sustaining Rural Agribusiness Enterprises – A bottom of the pyramid approach’ organized by School of Agribusiness Management, PJTSAU, Hyderabad, ISBN: 978-81-932824-5-8
- Research Projects
- Performance and Impact of Farmer Producer Companies promoted by NABARD in Telangana State – June 2021.
- Farmer’ Producer Companies in Telangana: Performance, Challenges and Farmers’ Well-being – Completed
- SFAC sponsored Performance Evaluation Project of FPOs in Telangana and Andhra Pradesh States (Completed)
- Conferences / Seminars
- Participated in 7th Asia – Africa Development International Conference, Summit, and Awards, 2024 (1st and 2nd March 2024) at the D Y Patil Institute of Management Studies, Akurdi, Pune, Maharashtra.
- Participated in the International Conference – Recent Innovations in Science and Technology, 30th September 2023. Organized by University College of Science, Saifabad, Hyderabad
- Organized ICSSR sponsored training program on Business Development Planning for the CEOs/Directors of Farmers Producer Companies in Telangana and Andhra Pradesh State conducted successfully from 7th March to 11th March 2022
- Organized ‘National Seminar’ on “Minor Irrigation – Issues and Challenges” on 30th and 31st December, 2019 at department of Economics, Satavahana University, Karimnagar in collaboration with Centre for Economic and Social Studies as ‘Coordinator’ for the workshop http://www.satavahana.ac.in/Updates/SEMINAR.pdf
- Speaker on “Role of FPOs on risk mitigation in input and output market – case of Telangana” in National Level Workshop on ‘Farmer Producer Organizations as Risk Mitigation Institutions for Small and Marginal Farmers in India – Issues, Challenges and the Way Forward’ December 4-5, 2018 in Bangalore, Karnataka, India. Organized by German Cooperation Association (GIZ) and department of horticulture, Karnataka.
- Paper presented in International Accounting Finance Economics and Banking Conference, Organized by Flame University, Pune. “Farmer Producer Companies in Telangana State: a way to improve Farmers’ wellbeing -The case of Telangana State” (2017).
- Awards and Honors
Received ‘Gold Medal’ for best paper on “Chetna Organic Agriculture Producer Company – A Case Study” in 2018 at National Seminar on ‘Ease of doing business’, ISBN: 978-93- 85101-12-0 Published by Anwar-ul-Uloom PG College, Hyderabad
- Resource Person - Invited Lectures
S. No. | Title of Lecture/ Academic Session | Title of Conference/ Seminar etc. | Organised by |
1 | Resource Person on the topic “Preparation of Business Development Plan and Financial Statements” and “Value Chain Development and Business Plan Preparation | ” Training Programme on Inclusive and Sustainable Value Chain Development for CBOs” | Centre for Agrarian Studies, National Institute of Rural Development & Panchayati Raj, Hyderabad. (19 -23 June 2023).
2 | Resource Person on the topic “Accounting for Managing the FPOs” from 7 – 9 August 2023 for prospective CEOs of FPOs | “Agribusiness Management Development Program (ABMDP)” for prospective CEOs of FPOs in Telangana state | ICAR – NAARM on “Agribusiness Management Development Program (ABMDP) |
3 | Resource Person on the topic “Accounting for Managing the FPOs” on 24th, 25th November and 1st December 2023 | “Agribusiness Management Development Program (ABMDP)” for prospective CEOs of FPOs in Andhra Pradesh | ICAR – NAARM on “Agribusiness Management Development Program (ABMDP) |
4 | Resource Person on the topic “Bench Marking good Governance & Management practices and business development plan” and Business Development Plan and Financial Statement for the officers of State of Maharashtra Agribusiness and Rural Transformation (SMART) project. (11 – 15 December 2023)
| “Governance and Leadership of CBOs” | National Institute of Rural Development & Panchayati Raj, Hyderabad. NIRD |