Dr. Harinath

Silveru Harinath
Research Associate
Sociology of Education, Dalits studies, Rural
Development, and women.
Ph.D., Sociology
- Brief Profile
Dr. Silveru Harinath is a Research Associate in Division for Studies in Social Inclusion at the Centre for Economic and Social Studies (CESS), Hyderabad, Telangana, India. He holds a Master’s degree in Sociology, a Master’s in Philosophy, and a Ph.D. (Sociology) from the University of Hyderabad. Besides that, he has also acquired a master’s in Information Systems and Social Work. His areas of interest include the Sociology of Education, Dalits studies, Rural development, and women. He has published several articles in National and International Journals (Scopus listed) and published a book on “Dalit Women and Dropout Rates in Collegiate Education: A Study of Warangal District of Andhra Pradesh” (Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2013). A Monograph titled “The Perceptions of Students, Teachers, and Principals in Schools under Different Managements in Telangana” and a policy brief titled “Empowering of Scheduled Castes through Community Halls in Telangana: Opportunities and Challenges” was published by (CESS). He has completed several research studies which include the Role of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Bhavans/Community Halls in the Empowerment of Scheduled Castes in Telangana: Issues and Challenges and Socio-Economic Status of the Kummari Community in Telangana State: Findings of an Empirical Study which are published as Monographs. He is a regular columnist for leading newspapers and periodicals and have published extensively on a range of themes such as women, education, land, governance, and development and he is also a social analyst.
- Research Interest
Sociology of Education, Dalits studies, Rural Development, and women.
- Publications - Books
1. “Dalit Women and Dropout Rate in Collegiate Education: A Case Study of Warangal District
of Andhra Pradesh”, (2013) Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 12 Back Chapman Street, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE6 2XX, United Kingdom, ISBN (10): 1-4438-4454-3, ISBN (13): 978-1-4438-4454-3.
2. “Perceptions of Students, Teachers, and Principals in Schools under Different Management in Telangana”, (2020) Centre for Economic and Social Studies, Hyderabad, ISBN – 978-81- 939917-1-8. (CESS – Monograph)
3. “The Socio-Economic Status of the Kummari Community in Telangana State: Findings of an Empirical Study”, (2022) Centre for Economic and Social Studies, Hyderabad, ISBN – 978-81-9543236-3. (CESS – Monograph).
4. “Role of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Bhavans and Community Halls in the Empowerment of Scheduled Castes in Telangana”, (2022) Centre for Economic and Social Studies, Hyderabad,
ISBN – 978-81-39917-1-8. (CESS – Monograph -forthcoming).
- Papers Published in Journals
- Participation Levels of Scheduled Castes in Gram Panchayat and Gram Sabha: A Sociological Study in Rural Telangana, Contemporary Voice of Dalit, Sage Publication. (Online first).
https://doi.org/10.1177/2455328X241239181 (ISSN: 2456-0502).
- Decrypting the Telangana Assembly Mandate, 2023, Economic and Political Weekly, V 59, Issue 11, pp. 14-16. (with S. Laxman Rao) (ISSN: 2349-8846).
- The Future of Pottery: Insights Emerging from Empirical Evidence from Telangana, South Asia Research Journal, Sage Publication (Scopus), Volume 44, Issue No. 1, 2024, pp. 58-74.
https://doi.org/10.1177/02627280231215467. (ISSN Online: 1741-3141) (with S. Laxman Rao).
- B. R. Ambedkar Bhavans/ Community Halls in Telangana: An Evaluation Study, Contemporary Voice of Dalit, Sage Publication (Scopus), Online First Published, pp – 1-18, https://doi.org/10.1177/2455328X221139093 (ISSN 2456-0502)
- Dalit’s and Choice of School: A Sociological Study of Private Schools in Telangana State, Sociological Bulletin, Volume 70, Issue 2, April pp. 214-231. ISSN No: 0038-0229, Sage Publication (Scopus). (ISSN Online: 2457-0257) (with Gundemeda Nagaraju).
- Experiencing Dalit Children in Schools: A Sociological Study in Telangana, Madhya Pradesh Journal of Social Sciences, Volume 25, Issue 1, June 2020, 38-58. ISSN: 0973-855X (UGC– Care List).
- Functioning of Self-Help Groups and Its Impact on Empowerment of Scheduled Castes Women: Perspectives from Rural Telangana, Journal of Governance and Public Policy, Institute of Public Enterprises, No.10, Issue No. 1, January – June 2020, ISSN. 2231-0924, pp. 58-70. (Peer Review)
- Rise of Educational Empires in the Era of Globalization: a Case of South Indian State, World Academy of Science Engineering and Technology, Issue 55, ISSN- 2010- 3778, pp. 924-928. (Scopus).
- Inclusive Growth of Education System: A Brief Analysis of Policy Perspectives in Telangana State, Journal of Desh Vikas, Vol. No.4, Issue No. 4, January – March 2018, ISSN. 2394- 1782, 113-122.
- Dropout Rate of Dalit Women in Collegiate Education: A Study in Rural Villages in India, Informatics Journal, ISBN- 978-1-908320-07-0. 509-514.
- Violence against Women and its Impact on their Education: A Study in Rural Villages in Telangana, International Journal of Education for their Future, ISSN- 2394-9902. pp. 109-115.
- Inclusive Growth of Women in Higher Education: An Overview of Indian Education System, Indian Journal of Social Sciences, ISSN: 2277-2227, 178-186.
- Research Projects
- Perceptions of Students, Teachers, and Principals in Schools under Different Management in Telangana, (2018) Sponsored by Scheduled Caste Development Department, Ministry of Social Welfare, Government of Telangana (Completed)
- Role of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Bhavans/Community Halls in the Empowerment of Scheduled Castes in Telangana: Issues and Challenges, (2019) Sponsored by Scheduled Caste Development Department, Ministry of Social Welfare, Government of Telangana (Completed)
- Socio-Economic Status of the Kummari Community in Telangana State: Findings of an Empirical Study (2021), Sponsored by Marri Laxman Reddy Institute of Technology, Hyderabad (Completed).
- Performance of Scheduled Castes Students vis-à-vis others under Different Management Schools in Telangana (2018), Sponsored by Scheduled Caste Development Department, Ministry of Social Welfare, Telangana (Completed), (Team member).
- Comprehensive Baseline Survey of SC Community in Telangana State: Mapping of Data and Resource on a Spatial Domain (2023), Sponsored by Telangana State Council of Science and Technology (TSCOST), Government of Telangana (Submitted) (Team member).
- Impact of COVID-19 on School Education with a Special Focus on SC Students (2020), Sponsored by Scheduled Caste Development Department, Ministry of Social Welfare, Telangana (Completed) (Team member).
- Addressing Migration and Preparation of Development Plan for Adoni Division of Kurnool District, Andhra Pradesh (2022), Sponsored by Collector and District Magistrate, Kurnool District, Andhra Pradesh (Completed), (Team member).
- Policy Brief
“Empowering Scheduled Castes through Community Halls in Telangana: Opportunities and
Challenges”, (No. 8, March 2020) Centre for Economic and Social Studies, Hyderabad.
- Awards
- Received an award of Excellence in Recognition of Demonstrating Vocational Excellence by the Rotary Club of Warangal on 29-01-2023.
- Awarded (SDG leadership) Pride of Hyderabad in Recognition of Extensive research work on marginalized communities by DHUB in association with the Department of Language and Culture, Government of Telangana, on 20-08-2024.
- Papers Published in Edited Books
- “Inclusive Growth and Development of Educational opportunities: A Case of the University of
Hyderabad”, in Population Resource and Development” by Farath Ali Siddique (Ed), Genuine
Publications and Media Pvt. Ltd., Delhi, ISBN: 978-93-89965-48-3. pp. 123-134. - “Women as a Leader: Success or Failure? A Study in Warangal District of Andhra Pradesh”,
in Empowerment of Women through Leadership and Entrepreneurship”, Edited by C.V
Raman, 2011. ISBN- 979-93-5051-369-9. pp. 109-115. 4 - “Education and Development: Exploring the Experiences of Educated Women in Rural
Village”, in Rural Empowerment for Sustainable Development”, Edited by S.T Janetius and R.
Padmanabhan, ISBN- 978-93-82570-05-9. pp. 137-141. - “Historical Development of Education System in Vedic and Post Vedic Periods in India”, in
Cultural Contours of History and Archeology, (Ed) by K. Krishna Naik and E. Shiva Nagi
Reddy, B.R Publishing Corporation, Delhi (2015), ISBN- 978-35-0500-514. pp. 527-541. - “Bakaayila Baadhalinkenta Kaalam”, in VEEKSHANAM Telugu Monthly Journal of Political
Economy and Society – 128- March 2012, ISSN- 2231-6892. pp. 46-47. - “Vidhya Rangaaniki Budget Saripootundaa”, in VEEKSHANAM Telugu Monthly Journal of
Political Economy and Society – 129 April 2012 – ISSN – 2231-6892.pp. 33. - “Padipootunna Vidhya Parinaamalu” in VEEKSHANAM Telugu Monthly Journal of Political
Economy and Society – 130 May 2012 – ISSN 2231-6892. pp. 42-44 - “BhodanaRusumulaPaiMallagullaalu”, VEEKSHANAM Telugu Monthly Journal of Political
Economy and Society – 134 September 2012 – ISSN 2231-6892. pp. 15-16. - “Sarkaaru Badula GooduVinedhevaru”, in VEEKSHANAM Telugu Monthly Journal of
Political Economy and Society – 136 November 2012 – ISSN 2231-6892. pp. 59-60. - “Niraasha Parichina Vidhya Ranga Budget”, in VEEKSHANAM Telugu Monthly Journal of
Political Economy and Society – 189, April 2017 – ISSN 2231-6892. pp. 21-22. - “Rahul Raakatho Congress Gattekkenaa” in VEEKSHANAM Telugu Monthly Journal of
Political Economy and Society – 198, January 2018 – ISSN 2231-6892. pp. 29-30.