
The 5th Karnataka State Finance Commission visited the Centre for Economic and Social Studies on June 12 between 9.30-11.00 AM

Prof Revathi, Director welcomed and gave an overview of the terms of Reference for the State Finance Commission and raised concerned issues. C Narayanaswamy, Chairman 5th KSFC explained the purpose of the visit. Prof Gopinath Reddy elaborated the Panchayat Raj Act 2018 of the Telangana State and sharing of ‘State’s own Tax Revenues’ to local bodies. Members interacted and sought clarifications. 

Members of the V Finance Commission:

  • Sri C Narayanaswamy, Chairman
  • Sri Mohamed Sanualla, IAS (Rtd), Member
  • Sri R.S. Phonde, controller (Rtd)


Members from CESS:

  1. Dr GR Reddy – Founder Member, CESS
  2. Prof E Revathi – Director of CESS
  3. Prof M Gopinath Reddy- Professor (Retd), CESS
  4. Dr B Suresh Reddy, Associate Professor, CESS
  5. Dr M Venkatanarayana, Associate Professor, (Education Cell, CESS)


Programme Schedule:

Discussion on

  1. Terms of Reference for the State Finance Commission
  2. Local body finances – Finances of Panchayats and Status of Own revenues in Telangana
  3. New Panchayati Raj Act of Telangana – Accountability on financial matters
  4. Any other matter